On 6/14/19 8:44 PM, Alex Bennée wrote:
> Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com> writes:
>> On 06/13/19 18:59, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
>>> Hi Laszlo,
>>> On 3/12/19 5:29 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>>>> On 03/11/19 01:30, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
>>>>> Add a job to build and install the EDK2 platform firmware binaries.
>>>>> This job is only triggered if the last commit matches the EDK2
>>>>> name (case insensitive), or when tag are created (such releases
>>>>> or release candidates).
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <phi...@redhat.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  .travis.yml | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>  1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
>>>>> index e942175dd3..628cc52c99 100644
>>>>> --- a/.travis.yml
>>>>> +++ b/.travis.yml
>>>>> @@ -258,3 +258,24 @@ matrix:
>>>>>      - env:
>>>>>          - CONFIG="--disable-system"
>>>>>          - TEST_CMD="make -j3 check-tcg V=1"
>>>>> +
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    # EDK2 roms builds
>>>>> +    - if: tag IS present OR commit_message =~ /(edk2|EDK2)/
>>>>> +      env:
>>>>> +        - CONFIG="--disable-system --disable-user --prefix=$PWD/dist"
>>>>> +        - EDK2_BUILD_OPTIONS="--quiet --silent"
>>>>> +      script:
>>>>> +        - git submodule update --init roms/edk2
>>>>> +        - make -j3
>>>>> +        - make -C roms efi -j2
>>>>> +        - make install
>>>>> +      addons:
>>>>> +        apt:
>>>>> +          packages:
>>>>> +            - dos2unix
>>>>> +            - gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
>>>>> +            - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
>>>>> +            - iasl
>>>>> +            - nasm
>>>>> +            - uuid-dev
>>>> Regardless of what problem we're trying to address with "--quiet
>>>> --silent", those options are wrong. You certainly want detailed build
>>>> logs for the case a CI job fails (at build time or at runtime).
>>> On Travis we get:
>>> The job exceeded the maximum log length, and has been terminated.
>>> (https://travis-ci.org/philmd/qemu/jobs/545329905)
>>> So I moved to GitLab, but we still get:
>>> "Job's log exceeded limit of 4194304 bytes."
>>> (https://gitlab.com/philmd/qemu/-/jobs/230772314)
>>> Regarding the options to pass to edk2-build.sh,
>>> $ build --help
>>>   -j LOGFILE, --log=LOGFILE
>>>                    Put log in specified file as well as on console.
>>>   -s, --silent     Make use of silent mode of (n)make.
>>>   -q, --quiet      Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.
>>>   -v, --verbose    Turn on verbose output with informational messages
>>>                    printed, including library instances selected, final
>>>                    dependency expression, and warning messages, etc.
>>> '--log' duplicate the output, and I don't want to reduce the log
>>> details, so I understand I should use:
>>>   ./edk2-build.sh [...] --log=build.log >/dev/null || cat build.log
>>> Is that correct? But then I'd need to modify Makefile.edk2 to redirect
>>> stdout.
>> Would it be possible to invoke the outermost make like this?
>>   make -C roms -j2 efi >make.roms.efi.log 2>&1 \
>>   || ( tail -c 2M make.roms.efi.log; false )

The build gets killed:

  No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially
  indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
  Check the details on how to adjust your build configuration on:


  The build has been terminated

> Or something like:
>      after_failure:
>        - tail -c 2M make.roms.efi.log
> as Cleber suggested for his acceptance tests. Generally we want to try
> and make the builds less noisy and only echo relevant details when it
> fails. However we've tended to turn up the noise so we can debug stuff
> and that is just painful to browser on the Travis website.

I'll try that.

>>>> The reason why I only include DEBUG firmware builds in the edk2 bundling
>>>> series is similar -- RELEASE builds lack DEBUG messages and ASSERT()s,
>>>> and as such they are 100% unsupportable in my book. Bugs in software are
>>>> the norm, not the exception, so we should allow (even force) the user
>>>> (and remote systems) to provide as much information as they can.
>>> Sure, we have the same book here ;)
>>> Regards,
>>> Phil.
> --
> Alex Bennée

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