On 9/13/19 3:32 PM, John Snow wrote:
> Hi,
> I quite like the patches tool; but python2 is notably doomed.
> I tried my hand at polishing it up for python3 and pushed the results
> here: https://github.com/jnsnow/patches/tree/python3
> I didn't faff around with trying to add simultaneous support: this is a
> direct conversion in one big chunk. I used 2to3 and supplemented with
> pylint and flake8 to find problem spots.
> I don't use all of the features of this tool, but maybe if you'd like to
> give this a try you can test this branch and let me know if I missed any
> spots.
> You can install patches 0.3.1 using the standard incantations:
>> python3 setup.py install --user
> If it's too broken, you can uninstall it later with:
>> pip3 uninstall patches
> You may need to check back to the master branch and force a
> reinstallation of the python2 version to get the bin back in your PATH:
>> git checkout master
>> python2 setup.py install --user
> Happy python2 doomsday,
> --js
Ah, this was definitely premature. I had a dream last night that this
was working just fine, but in the harsh, unforgiving sunlight, there are
still a few problems.
Needs a few more minutes in the oven.