On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 01:16:46PM +0100, Paul Durrant wrote:
> Cleaning up offine XenDevice objects directly in
              ^ offline

> xen_device_backend_changed() is dangerous as xen_device_unrealize() will
> modify the watch list that is being walked. Even the QLIST_FOREACH_SAFE()
> used in notifier_list_notify() is insufficient as *two* notifiers (for
> the frontend and backend watches) are removed, thus potentially rendering
> the 'next' pointer unsafe.
> The solution is to use the XenBus backend_watch handler to do the clean-up
> instead, as it is invoked whilst walking a separate watch list.
> This patch therefore adds a new 'offline_devices' list to XenBus, to which
> offline devices are added by xen_device_backend_changed(). The XenBus
> backend_watch registration is also changed to not only invoke
> xen_bus_enumerate() but also a new xen_bus_cleanup() function, which will
> walk 'offline_devices' and perform the necessary actions.
> For safety a an extra 'online' check is also added to
             ^ one 'a' too many?

> xen_bus_type_enumerate() to make sure that no attempt is made to create a
> new XenDevice object for a backend that is offline.
> NOTE: This patch also include some cosmetic changes:
>       - substitute the local variable name 'backend_state'
>         in xen_bus_type_enumerate() with 'state', since there
>         is no ambiguity with any other state in that context.
>       - change xen_device_state_is_active() to
>         xen_device_frontend_is_active() (and pass a XenDevice directly)
>         since the state tests contained therein only apply to a frontend.
>       - use 'state' rather then 'xendev->backend_state' in
>         xen_device_backend_changed() to shorten the code.
> Signed-off-by: Paul Durrant <paul.durr...@citrix.com>
> ---
> v2:
>  - Make sure we don't try to add a XenDevice to 'offline_devices' more than
>    once
> ---
>      /*
>       * If a backend is still 'online' then we should leave it alone but,
> -     * if a backend is not 'online', then the device should be destroyed
> -     * once the state is Closed.
> +     * if a backend is not 'online', then the device is a candidate
> +     * for destruction. Hence add it to the 'offline' list to be cleaned
> +     * by xen_bus_cleanup().
>       */
> -    if (!xendev->backend_online &&
> -        (xendev->backend_state == XenbusStateClosed ||
> -         xendev->backend_state == XenbusStateInitialising ||
> -         xendev->backend_state == XenbusStateInitWait ||
> -         xendev->backend_state == XenbusStateUnknown)) {
> -        Error *local_err = NULL;
> +    if (!online &&
> +        (state == XenbusStateClosed ||  state == XenbusStateInitialising ||
> +         state == XenbusStateInitWait || state == XenbusStateUnknown) &&
> +        !QLIST_NEXT(xendev, list)) {

Could you add a note about this QLIST_NEXT? I don't think it's going to
be obvious enough why we check that there are no next item. I might only
understand it just because of your reply to the v1 of the patch.
(Well the changelog of the patch also point out what it's for.)

> +        XenBus *xenbus = XEN_BUS(qdev_get_parent_bus(DEVICE(xendev)));
> -        if (!xen_backend_try_device_destroy(xendev, &local_err)) {
> -            object_unparent(OBJECT(xendev));
> -        }
> +        QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&xenbus->offline_devices, xendev, list);
> -        if (local_err) {
> -            error_report_err(local_err);
> -        }
> +        /*
> +         * Re-write the state to cause a XenBus backend_watch notification,
> +         * resulting in a call to xen_bus_cleanup().
> +         */
> +        xen_device_backend_printf(xendev, "state", "%u", state);

It kind of feels wrong to rely on xenstore to notify QEMU's xenbus
driver that a device needs cleanup. But that does the job.

With a note about the use of QLIST_NEXT and the few typo fixed, the
patch will be good to go.


Anthony PERARD

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