Hi Michael,

On 7/31/19 9:25 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 11:20:44PM +0000, Tian, Kevin wrote:
>>> From: Michael S. Tsirkin [mailto:m...@redhat.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 3:38 AM
>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 07:21:33PM +0200, Eric Auger wrote:
>>>> We introduce a new msi_bypass field which indicates whether
>>>> the IOAPIC MSI window [0xFEE00000 - 0xFEEFFFFF] must be exposed
>> it's not good to call it IOAPIC MSI window. any write to this range, either
>> from IOAPIC or PCI device, is interpreted by the platform as interrupt
>> request. I'd call it "x86 interrupt address range".
> Isn't this APIC_DEFAULT_ADDRESS? I'm not sure guests can't change it
> even though I'm not sure qemu supports changing it.

That's indeed matching:

#define APIC_DEFAULT_ADDRESS 0xfee00000
#define APIC_SPACE_SIZE      0x100000

> And if so I'd say integrating IOAPIC defaults into the device itself is
> inelegant.

I agree.

  How about having guest supply the range through config
> space? It's a small change that won't be too late for Linux.

Isn't it a property of the platform instead. I mean isn't it the job of
the machine model to set this. The guest driver is arch agnostic if I am
not wrong.

>>>> as a reserved region. By default the field is set to true at
>>>> instantiation time. Later on we will introduce a property at
>>>> virtio pci proxy level to turn it off.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Eric Auger <eric.au...@redhat.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> v8 -> v9:
>>>> - pass IOAPIC_RANGE_END to virtio_iommu_register_resv_region
>>>> - take into account the change in the struct virtio_iommu_probe_resv_mem
>>>>   definition
>>>> - We just introduce the field here. A property will be introduced later on
>>>>   at pci proxy level.
>>>> ---
>>>>  hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.c         | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>  include/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.h |  1 +
>>>>  2 files changed, 37 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.c b/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.c
>>>> index 66be9a4627..74038288b0 100644
>>>> --- a/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.c
>>>> +++ b/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.c
>>>> @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
>>>>  #define VIOMMU_PROBE_SIZE 512
>>>> +#define IOAPIC_RANGE_START      (0xfee00000)
>>>> +#define IOAPIC_RANGE_END        (0xfeefffff)
>>>> +
>>> Sorry where are these numbers coming from?
>> this is architecturally defined in x86 SDM.
>>> Does this really work on all platforms?
>> x86 only. 
> But you seem to add this code for all platforms:
>       @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ config VIRTIO_RNG
>            default y
>            depends on VIRTIO
>       +config VIRTIO_IOMMU
>       +    bool
>       +    default y
>       +    depends on VIRTIO
>       +
Actually it was supposed to be integrated with ARM first and then with x86.


>>> With all guests?
>> yes.
>>>> @@ -100,6 +103,30 @@ static void
>>> virtio_iommu_detach_endpoint_from_domain(viommu_endpoint *ep)
>>>>      ep->domain = NULL;
>>>>  }
>>>> +static void virtio_iommu_register_resv_region(viommu_endpoint *ep,
>>>> +                                              uint8_t subtype,
>>>> +                                              uint64_t start, uint64_t 
>>>> end)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    viommu_interval *interval;
>>>> +    struct virtio_iommu_probe_resv_mem *resv_reg_prop;
>>>> +    size_t prop_size = sizeof(struct virtio_iommu_probe_resv_mem);
>>>> +    size_t value_size = prop_size -
>>>> +                sizeof(struct virtio_iommu_probe_property);
>>>> +
>>>> +    interval = g_malloc0(sizeof(*interval));
>>>> +    interval->low = start;
>>>> +    interval->high = end;
>>>> +
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop = g_malloc0(prop_size);
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop->head.type = VIRTIO_IOMMU_PROBE_T_RESV_MEM;
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop->head.length = cpu_to_le64(value_size);
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop->subtype = cpu_to_le64(subtype);
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop->start = cpu_to_le64(start);
>>>> +    resv_reg_prop->end = cpu_to_le64(end);
>>>> +
>>>> +    g_tree_insert(ep->reserved_regions, interval, resv_reg_prop);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  static viommu_endpoint *virtio_iommu_get_endpoint(VirtIOIOMMU *s,
>>>>                                                    uint32_t ep_id)
>>>>  {
>>>> @@ -117,6 +144,12 @@ static viommu_endpoint
>>> *virtio_iommu_get_endpoint(VirtIOIOMMU *s,
>>>>      ep->reserved_regions =
>>> g_tree_new_full((GCompareDataFunc)interval_cmp,
>>>>                                              NULL, (GDestroyNotify)g_free,
>>>>                                              (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
>>>> +    if (s->msi_bypass) {
>>>> +        virtio_iommu_register_resv_region(ep,
>>>> +                                          IOAPIC_RANGE_START,
>>>> +                                          IOAPIC_RANGE_END);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>>      return ep;
>>>>  }
>>>> @@ -822,6 +855,9 @@ static void virtio_iommu_set_status(VirtIODevice
>>> *vdev, uint8_t status)
>>>>  static void virtio_iommu_instance_init(Object *obj)
>>>>  {
>>>> +    VirtIOIOMMU *s = VIRTIO_IOMMU(obj);
>>>> +
>>>> +    s->msi_bypass = true;
>>>>  }
>>>>  static const VMStateDescription vmstate_virtio_iommu = {
>>>> diff --git a/include/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.h b/include/hw/virtio/virtio-
>>> iommu.h
>>>> index f55f48d304..56c8b4e57f 100644
>>>> --- a/include/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.h
>>>> +++ b/include/hw/virtio/virtio-iommu.h
>>>> @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ typedef struct VirtIOIOMMU {
>>>>      GTree *domains;
>>>>      QemuMutex mutex;
>>>>      GTree *endpoints;
>>>> +    bool msi_bypass;
>>>>  } VirtIOIOMMU;
>>>>  #endif
>>>> --
>>>> 2.20.1

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