* Kirti Wankhede (kwankh...@nvidia.com) wrote:
> These functions save and restore PCI device specific data - config
> space of PCI device.
> Tested save and restore with MSI and MSIX type.
> Signed-off-by: Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com>
> Reviewed-by: Neo Jia <c...@nvidia.com>
> ---
>  hw/vfio/pci.c                 | 114 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h |   2 +
>  2 files changed, 116 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/hw/vfio/pci.c b/hw/vfio/pci.c
> index de0d286fc9dd..5fe4f8076cac 100644
> --- a/hw/vfio/pci.c
> +++ b/hw/vfio/pci.c
> @@ -2395,11 +2395,125 @@ static Object *vfio_pci_get_object(VFIODevice 
> *vbasedev)
>      return OBJECT(vdev);
>  }
> +static void vfio_pci_save_config(VFIODevice *vbasedev, QEMUFile *f)
> +{
> +    VFIOPCIDevice *vdev = container_of(vbasedev, VFIOPCIDevice, vbasedev);
> +    PCIDevice *pdev = &vdev->pdev;
> +    uint16_t pci_cmd;
> +    int i;
> +
> +    for (i = 0; i < PCI_ROM_SLOT; i++) {
> +        uint32_t bar;
> +
> +        bar = pci_default_read_config(pdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + i * 4, 4);
> +        qemu_put_be32(f, bar);
> +    }
> +
> +    qemu_put_be32(f, vdev->interrupt);
> +    if (vdev->interrupt == VFIO_INT_MSI) {
> +        uint32_t msi_flags, msi_addr_lo, msi_addr_hi = 0, msi_data;
> +        bool msi_64bit;
> +
> +        msi_flags = pci_default_read_config(pdev, pdev->msi_cap + 
> +                                            2);
> +        msi_64bit = (msi_flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_64BIT);
> +
> +        msi_addr_lo = pci_default_read_config(pdev,
> +                                         pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_ADDRESS_LO, 
> 4);
> +        qemu_put_be32(f, msi_addr_lo);
> +
> +        if (msi_64bit) {
> +            msi_addr_hi = pci_default_read_config(pdev,
> +                                             pdev->msi_cap + 
> +                                             4);
> +        }
> +        qemu_put_be32(f, msi_addr_hi);
> +
> +        msi_data = pci_default_read_config(pdev,
> +                pdev->msi_cap + (msi_64bit ? PCI_MSI_DATA_64 : 
> +                2);
> +        qemu_put_be32(f, msi_data);
> +    } else if (vdev->interrupt == VFIO_INT_MSIX) {
> +        uint16_t offset;
> +
> +        /* save enable bit and maskall bit */
> +        offset = pci_default_read_config(pdev,
> +                                       pdev->msix_cap + PCI_MSIX_FLAGS + 1, 
> 2);
> +        qemu_put_be16(f, offset);
> +        msix_save(pdev, f);
> +    }
> +    pci_cmd = pci_default_read_config(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, 2);
> +    qemu_put_be16(f, pci_cmd);
> +}
> +
> +static void vfio_pci_load_config(VFIODevice *vbasedev, QEMUFile *f)
> +{
> +    VFIOPCIDevice *vdev = container_of(vbasedev, VFIOPCIDevice, vbasedev);
> +    PCIDevice *pdev = &vdev->pdev;
> +    uint32_t interrupt_type;
> +    uint32_t msi_flags, msi_addr_lo, msi_addr_hi = 0, msi_data;
> +    uint16_t pci_cmd;
> +    bool msi_64bit;
> +    int i;
> +
> +    /* retore pci bar configuration */
> +    pci_cmd = pci_default_read_config(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, 2);
> +    vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, PCI_COMMAND,
> +                        pci_cmd & (!(PCI_COMMAND_IO | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY)), 
> 2);
> +    for (i = 0; i < PCI_ROM_SLOT; i++) {
> +        uint32_t bar = qemu_get_be32(f);
> +
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 + i * 4, bar, 4);
> +    }

Is it possible to validate the bar's at all?  We just had a bug on a
virtual device where one version was asking for a larger bar than the
other; our validation caught this in some cases so we could tell that
the guest had a BAR that was aligned at the wrong alignment.

> +    vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, PCI_COMMAND,
> +                          pci_cmd | PCI_COMMAND_IO | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY, 2);

Can you explain what this is for?  You write the command register at the
end of the function with the original value; there's no guarantee that
the device is using IO for example, so ORing it seems odd.

Also, are the other flags in COMMAND safe at this point - e.g. what
about interrupts and stuff?

> +    interrupt_type = qemu_get_be32(f);
> +
> +    if (interrupt_type == VFIO_INT_MSI) {
> +        /* restore msi configuration */
> +        msi_flags = pci_default_read_config(pdev,
> +                                            pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_FLAGS, 
> 2);
> +        msi_64bit = (msi_flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_64BIT);
> +
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_FLAGS,
> +                              msi_flags & (!PCI_MSI_FLAGS_ENABLE), 2);
> +
> +        msi_addr_lo = qemu_get_be32(f);
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_ADDRESS_LO,
> +                              msi_addr_lo, 4);
> +
> +        msi_addr_hi = qemu_get_be32(f);
> +        if (msi_64bit) {
> +            vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_ADDRESS_HI,
> +                                  msi_addr_hi, 4);
> +        }
> +        msi_data = qemu_get_be32(f);
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev,
> +                pdev->msi_cap + (msi_64bit ? PCI_MSI_DATA_64 : 
> +                msi_data, 2);
> +
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, pdev->msi_cap + PCI_MSI_FLAGS,
> +                              msi_flags | PCI_MSI_FLAGS_ENABLE, 2);
> +    } else if (interrupt_type == VFIO_INT_MSIX) {
> +        uint16_t offset = qemu_get_be16(f);
> +
> +        /* load enable bit and maskall bit */
> +        vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, pdev->msix_cap + PCI_MSIX_FLAGS + 1,
> +                              offset, 2);
> +        msix_load(pdev, f);
> +    }
> +    pci_cmd = qemu_get_be16(f);
> +    vfio_pci_write_config(pdev, PCI_COMMAND, pci_cmd, 2);
> +}
> +
>  static VFIODeviceOps vfio_pci_ops = {
>      .vfio_compute_needs_reset = vfio_pci_compute_needs_reset,
>      .vfio_hot_reset_multi = vfio_pci_hot_reset_multi,
>      .vfio_eoi = vfio_intx_eoi,
>      .vfio_get_object = vfio_pci_get_object,
> +    .vfio_save_config = vfio_pci_save_config,
> +    .vfio_load_config = vfio_pci_load_config,
>  };
>  int vfio_populate_vga(VFIOPCIDevice *vdev, Error **errp)
> diff --git a/include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h b/include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h
> index 771b6d59a3db..ee72bd984a36 100644
> --- a/include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h
> +++ b/include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h
> @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ struct VFIODeviceOps {
>      int (*vfio_hot_reset_multi)(VFIODevice *vdev);
>      void (*vfio_eoi)(VFIODevice *vdev);
>      Object *(*vfio_get_object)(VFIODevice *vdev);
> +    void (*vfio_save_config)(VFIODevice *vdev, QEMUFile *f);
> +    void (*vfio_load_config)(VFIODevice *vdev, QEMUFile *f);
>  };
>  typedef struct VFIOGroup {
> -- 
> 2.7.0
Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK

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