On 04/08/2011 02:18 AM, Roberto Paleari wrote:
Dear QEMU developers,

we are a group of researchers working at the University of Milan,
Italy. During the last year we focused on automatic techniques to find
defects inside CPU emulators and virtualizers. Our work has been
published in different conference papers [1][2][3], and the testing
methodologies we developed allowed us to find defects in several
emulators and virtualizers, including QEMU.

In these days we were asked to publicly release our experimental
results. As these results also include several defects in QEMU, we
believed it was better to contact you before releasing this material
to the public.

Just to be clear, at least for x86 CPU emulation, QEMU does not attempt to achieve perfect fidelity and has some pretty well known "security" issues. For instance, it does not emulate segment register limits in any meaningful way.

This does not mean that the guest can break into the host, just that the guest protection mechanisms aren't always enforced when using TCG.

This is not an issue with KVM though.


Anthony Liguori

For this reason, we ask to whom it may concern to contact us privately
at emufuz...@security.dico.unimi.it to discuss about the disclosure of
these results.

Thank you very much for your help,

[1]  Testing CPU Emulators (http://roberto.greyhats.it/pubs/issta09.pdf)
[2]  Testing system virtual machines
[3]  A fistful of red-pills: How to automatically generate procedures
to detect CPU emulators (http://roberto.greyhats.it/pubs/woot09.pdf)

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