This is a question I have encountered while using QEMU.

I want to compile the source directly rather than through apt or yum and
install QEMU and input the output statement to the source to check the
output value.

When I compiled QEMU using dpkg-buildpackage in Ubuntu, I verified that
when QEMU's VM is executed by inputting and compiling the output statement,
the output value is recorded in the log file(ex.
/var/log/libvirt/qemu/win7.log) of that VM.

In Centos, I tried to use rpmbuild to input the output to QEMU source,
compile and check the output value. I confirmed that the log file is not
written, but I have confirmed that the output value is rare from the
terminal during the compilation process.

What I want to do is to get the output to be written to the log file like
in Ubuntu.

Thank you

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