I performed several tests of various emulated NICs
booting with iPXE, and discovered that ne2k_pci (*)
emulated device does not quite work, for quite some
time already, at least with linux guests.

The NIC works for a while, but after a few packets,
or a few 1000s of packets, it stalls.  In tcpdump
on the host I see many ARP requests coming from the
guest and each has corresponding ARP reply, but
nothing is actually reaching the guest.

This behavour is consistent since qemu-kvm 0.12,
and is demonstrated by guest kernel 2.6.32 and
2.6.38, either 32 or 64bit.

Anyone seen something similar?



(*) can we make ne2k-pci to ebe an alias for ne2k_pci,
to be consistent with virtio-net-pci?

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