Laszlo Ersek <> writes:

> On 04/12/19 19:49, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>> Laszlo Ersek <> writes:
>>> On 04/11/19 15:56, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>>>> The ARM virt machines put firmware in flash memory.  To configure it,
>>>> you use -drive if=pflash,unit=0,... and optionally -drive
>>>> if=pflash,unit=1,...
>>>> Why two -drive?  This permits setting up one part of the flash memory
>>>> read-only, and the other part read/write.  It also makes upgrading
>>>> firmware on the host easier.  Below the hood, we get two separate
>>>> flash devices, because we were too lazy to improve our flash device
>>>> models to support sector protection.
>>>> The problem at hand is to do the same with -blockdev somehow, as one
>>>> more step towards deprecating -drive.
>>>> We recently solved this problem for x86 PC machines, in commit
>>>> ebc29e1beab.  See the commit message for design rationale.
>>>> This commit solves it for ARM virt basically the same way: new machine
>>>> properties pflash0, pflash1 forward to the onboard flash devices'
>>>> properties.  Requires creating the onboard devices in the
>>>> .instance_init() method virt_instance_init().  The existing code to
>>>> pick up drives defined with -drive if=pflash is replaced by code to
>>>> desugar into the machine properties.
>>>> There are a few behavioral differences, though:
>>>> * The flash devices are always present (x86: only present if
>>>>   configured)
>>>> * Flash base addresses and sizes are fixed (x86: sizes depend on
>>>>   images, mapped back to back below a fixed address)
>>>> * -bios configures contents of first pflash (x86: -bios configures ROM
>>>>    contents)
>>>> * -bios is rejected when first pflash is also configured with -machine
>>>>    pflash0=... (x86: bios is silently ignored then)
>>>> * -machine pflash1=... does not require -machine pflash0=... (x86: it
>>>>    does).
>>>> The actual code is a bit simpler than for x86 mostly due to the first
>>>> two differences.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Markus Armbruster <>
>>>> ---
>>>>  hw/arm/virt.c         | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
>>>>  include/hw/arm/virt.h |   2 +
>>>>  2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
>>> I tried to review this patch, but I can't follow it.
>>> I'm not saying it's wrong; in fact it *looks* right to me, but I can't
>>> follow it. It does so many things at once that I can't keep them all in
>>> mind.
>> Happens.  I'll try to explain, and then we can talk about improving the
>> patch.
>> Did you follow "See the commit message [of ebc29e1beab] for design
>> rationale" reference?
> That commit carries my
> "Acked-by: Laszlo Ersek <>"
> and it's not an R-b because:
> -
>   "I don't know enough to understand a large part of the commit message.
>   I can make some (superficial) comments on the code."
> -
>   "Thanks for addressing my comments!"
> So, the depth at which I understood commit ebc29e1beab isn't supporting
> me here :)
>>> I started with:
>>>   virt_instance_init()
>>>     virt_flash_create()
>>>       virt_pflash_create1()
>>> and then I got confused by the object_property_add_*() calls, which
>>> don't exist in the original code:
>>>> diff --git a/hw/arm/virt.c b/hw/arm/virt.c
>>>> index ce2664a30b..8ce7ecca80 100644
>>>> --- a/hw/arm/virt.c
>>>> +++ b/hw/arm/virt.c
>>>> @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
>>>>  #include "qemu/osdep.h"
>>>>  #include "qemu/units.h"
>>>> +#include "qemu/option.h"
>>>>  #include "qapi/error.h"
>>>>  #include "hw/sysbus.h"
>>>>  #include "hw/arm/arm.h"
>>>> @@ -871,25 +872,19 @@ static void create_virtio_devices(const 
>>>> VirtMachineState *vms, qemu_irq *pic)
>>>>      }
>>>>  }
>>>> -static void create_one_flash(const char *name, hwaddr flashbase,
>>>> -                             hwaddr flashsize, const char *file,
>>>> -                             MemoryRegion *sysmem)
>>>> +#define VIRT_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE (256 * KiB)
>>>> +
>>>> +static PFlashCFI01 *virt_pflash_create1(VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>> +                                        const char *name,
>>>> +                                        const char *alias_prop_name)
>>>>  {
>>>> -    /* Create and map a single flash device. We use the same
>>>> -     * parameters as the flash devices on the Versatile Express board.
>>>> +    /*
>>>> +     * Create a single flash device.  We use the same parameters as
>>>> +     * the flash devices on the Versatile Express board.
>>>>       */
>>>> -    DriveInfo *dinfo = drive_get_next(IF_PFLASH);
>>>>      DeviceState *dev = qdev_create(NULL, TYPE_PFLASH_CFI01);
>>>> -    SysBusDevice *sbd = SYS_BUS_DEVICE(dev);
>>>> -    const uint64_t sectorlength = 256 * 1024;
>>>> -    if (dinfo) {
>>>> -        qdev_prop_set_drive(dev, "drive", blk_by_legacy_dinfo(dinfo),
>>>> -                            &error_abort);
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    qdev_prop_set_uint32(dev, "num-blocks", flashsize / sectorlength);
>>>> -    qdev_prop_set_uint64(dev, "sector-length", sectorlength);
>>>> +    qdev_prop_set_uint64(dev, "sector-length", VIRT_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_uint8(dev, "width", 4);
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_uint8(dev, "device-width", 2);
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_bit(dev, "big-endian", false);
>>>> @@ -898,41 +893,41 @@ static void create_one_flash(const char *name, 
>>>> hwaddr flashbase,
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_uint16(dev, "id2", 0x00);
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_uint16(dev, "id3", 0x00);
>>>>      qdev_prop_set_string(dev, "name", name);
>>>> +    object_property_add_child(OBJECT(vms), name, OBJECT(dev),
>>>> +                              &error_abort);
>>> I guess this links the pflash device as a child under the
>>> VirtMachineState object
>> Yes.
>>>                         -- but why wasn't that necessary before?
>> For better or worse, a qdev device without a parent gets adopted on
>> realize by container object "/machine/unattached".  See
>> device_set_realized() under if (!obj->parent).
>> Example to illustrate, feel free to skip ahead to "End of example".
>> Here's the contents of "/machine/unattached" for a pretty minimal ARM
>> virt machine (I use scripts/qmp/qom-fuse to mount the QOM tree to
>> qom-fuse/ for easy examination):
> (the fact that we have a genuine filesystem driver for navigating the
> QOM tree, for debugging purposes, is brilliant and frightening at the
> same time)


Also brilliant: it's just 110 SLOC of Python :)

>>     $ ls qom-fuse/machine/unattached/
>>     'device[0]'   'device[19]'  'device[28]'  'device[37]'  'device[7]'
>>     'device[10]'  'device[1]'   'device[29]'  'device[38]'  'device[8]'
>>     'device[11]'  'device[20]'  'device[2]'   'device[39]'  'device[9]'
>>     'device[12]'  'device[21]'  'device[30]'  'device[3]'   'io[0]'
>>     'device[13]'  'device[22]'  'device[31]'  'device[40]'  
>> 'mach-virt.ram[0]'
>>     'device[14]'  'device[23]'  'device[32]'  'device[41]'  'platform bus[0]'
>>     'device[15]'  'device[24]'  'device[33]'  'device[42]'   sysbus
>>     'device[16]'  'device[25]'  'device[34]'  'device[4]'   'system[0]'
>>     'device[17]'  'device[26]'  'device[35]'  'device[5]'    type
>>     'device[18]'  'device[27]'  'device[36]'  'device[6]'
>> The device* are the adopted qdevs.  Let's look for pflash:
>>     $ grep -a cfi qom-fuse/machine/unattached/device*/type
>>     qom-fuse/machine/unattached/device[1]/type:cfi.pflash01
>>     qom-fuse/machine/unattached/device[2]/type:cfi.pflash01
>> Here are the children of /machine:
>>     $ ls qom-fuse/machine/
>>     accel                   fw_cfg        kernel             secure
>>     append                  gic-version   kernel-irqchip     suppress-vmdesc
>>     dt-compatible           graphics      kvm-shadow-mem     type
>>     dtb                     highmem       mem-merge          unattached
>>     dump-guest-core         igd-passthru  memory-encryption  usb
>>     dumpdtb                 initrd        peripheral         virtualization
>>     enforce-config-section  iommu         peripheral-anon
>>     firmware                its           phandle-start
>> This was before this patch.  Afterwards:
>>     $ ls qom-fuse/machine/unattached/
>>     'device[0]'   'device[19]'  'device[28]'  'device[37]'  'device[9]'
>>     'device[10]'  'device[1]'   'device[29]'  'device[38]'  'io[0]'
>>     'device[11]'  'device[20]'  'device[2]'   'device[39]'  
>> 'mach-virt.ram[0]'
>>     'device[12]'  'device[21]'  'device[30]'  'device[3]'   'platform bus[0]'
>>     'device[13]'  'device[22]'  'device[31]'  'device[40]'   sysbus
>>     'device[14]'  'device[23]'  'device[32]'  'device[4]'   'system[0]'
>>     'device[15]'  'device[24]'  'device[33]'  'device[5]'    type
>>     'device[16]'  'device[25]'  'device[34]'  'device[6]'
>>     'device[17]'  'device[26]'  'device[35]'  'device[7]'
>>     'device[18]'  'device[27]'  'device[36]'  'device[8]'
>> Two fewer device*.
>>     $ ls qom-fuse/machine/
>>     accel                   gic-version     kvm-shadow-mem     
>> suppress-vmdesc
>>     append                  graphics        mem-merge          type
>>     dt-compatible           highmem         memory-encryption  unattached
>>     dtb                     igd-passthru    peripheral         usb
>>     dump-guest-core         initrd          peripheral-anon    virt.flash0
>>     dumpdtb                 iommu           pflash0            virt.flash1
>>     enforce-config-section  its             pflash1            virtualization
>>     firmware                kernel          phandle-start
>>     fw_cfg                  kernel-irqchip  secure
>> Note new virt.flash0 and virt.flash1.
> Four more children for /machine though: "virt.flashX" and "pflashX".
> (... returning here from the end: apparently machine properties are also
> children of /machine)

Yes, the QOM tree has properties as leaves.  I don't know (and I'm not
sure I want to know) what happens when you create a property with a name
that clashes with one QOM uses for itself, such as "type".

>>     $ cat qom-fuse/machine/virt.flash*/type
>>     cfi.pflash01
>>     cfi.pflash01
>> That's where the two went.
>> End of example.
>> Now I'm actually read to answer your question "why wasn't that necessary
>> before?", or rather "why is it necessary now?"
>> It wasn't necessary before because orphans get adopted.
>> It might not even be necessary now, but I feel (strongly!) that an alias
>> property should redirect to a child's property, not some random
>> unrelated object's property (see right below).
>> Regardless, I feel onboard devices should be proper children of the
>> machine anyway, not stuffed into its unattached/ grabbag.
> ... Okay.

I figure the auto-adoption by /machine/unattached was done to avoid
updating code to do the right thing.

We're much better at starting grand projects than at finishing them.

>>>> +    object_property_add_alias(OBJECT(vms), alias_prop_name,
>>>> +                              OBJECT(dev), "drive", &error_abort);
>>> What is this good for? Does this make the pflash0 / pflash1 properties
>>> of the machine refer to the "drive" property of the pflash device?
>> Correct!
>> With object.h and a crystal ball, you should be able to work that out
>> for yourself:
>> /**
>>  * object_property_add_alias:
>>  * @obj: the object to add a property to
>>  * @name: the name of the property
>>  * @target_obj: the object to forward property access to
>>  * @target_name: the name of the property on the forwarded object
>>  * @errp: if an error occurs, a pointer to an area to store the error
>>  *
>>  * Add an alias for a property on an object.  This function will add a 
>> property
>>  * of the same type as the forwarded property.
>>  *
>>  * The caller must ensure that <code>@target_obj</code> stays alive as long 
>> as
>>  * this property exists.  In the case of a child object or an alias on the 
>> same
>>  * object this will be the case.  For aliases to other objects the caller is
>>  * responsible for taking a reference.
>>  */
>> Oh, no crystal ball?  Then it's spelunking through object.c, I guess.
>>> Can we have a comment about that, or is that obvious for people that are
>>> used to QOM code?
>> If there are any, please speak up, so we can appoint you QOM maintainer.
>> In my (weak) defense, I mentioned the property forwarding in my commit
>> message ("new machine properties pflash0, pflash1 forward to the onboard
>> flash devices' properties"), and I did point to commit ebc29e1beab for
>> design rationale.  It has this paragraph:
>>     More seriously, the properties do not belong to the machine, they
>>     belong to the onboard flash devices.  Adding them to the machine would
>>     then require bad magic to somehow transfer them to the flash devices.
>>     Fortunately, QOM provides the means to handle exactly this case: add
>>     alias properties to the machine that forward to the onboard devices'
>>     properties.
> Yup, I certainly neither remembered nor re-read this. Sorry about that.
>>> ... So anyway, this is where I come to an almost complete halt. I
>>> understand one more bit (in isolation only):
>>>> +    return PFLASH_CFI01(dev);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void virt_flash_create(VirtMachineState *vms)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    vms->flash[0] = virt_pflash_create1(vms, "virt.flash0", "pflash0");
>>>> +    vms->flash[1] = virt_pflash_create1(vms, "virt.flash1", "pflash1");
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void virt_flash_map1(PFlashCFI01 *flash,
>>>> +                            hwaddr base, hwaddr size,
>>>> +                            MemoryRegion *sysmem)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    DeviceState *dev = DEVICE(flash);
>>>> +
>>>> +    assert(size % VIRT_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE == 0);
>>>> +    assert(size / VIRT_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE <= UINT32_MAX);
>>>> +    qdev_prop_set_uint32(dev, "num-blocks", size / 
>>>>      qdev_init_nofail(dev);
>>>> -    memory_region_add_subregion(sysmem, flashbase,
>>>> -                                
>>>> sysbus_mmio_get_region(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(dev), 0));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (file) {
>>>> -        char *fn;
>>>> -        int image_size;
>>>> -
>>>> -        if (drive_get(IF_PFLASH, 0, 0)) {
>>>> -            error_report("The contents of the first flash device may be "
>>>> -                         "specified with -bios or with -drive 
>>>> if=pflash... "
>>>> -                         "but you cannot use both options at once");
>>>> -            exit(1);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        fn = qemu_find_file(QEMU_FILE_TYPE_BIOS, file);
>>>> -        if (!fn) {
>>>> -            error_report("Could not find ROM image '%s'", file);
>>>> -            exit(1);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        image_size = load_image_mr(fn, sysbus_mmio_get_region(sbd, 0));
>>>> -        g_free(fn);
>>>> -        if (image_size < 0) {
>>>> -            error_report("Could not load ROM image '%s'", file);
>>>> -            exit(1);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -    }
>>>> +    memory_region_add_subregion(sysmem, base,
>>>> +                                
>>>> sysbus_mmio_get_region(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(dev),
>>>> +                                                       0));
>>>>  }
>>>> -static void create_flash(const VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>> -                         MemoryRegion *sysmem,
>>>> -                         MemoryRegion *secure_sysmem)
>>>> +static void virt_flash_map(VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>> +                           MemoryRegion *sysmem,
>>>> +                           MemoryRegion *secure_sysmem)
>>>>  {
>>>> -    /* Create two flash devices to fill the VIRT_FLASH space in the 
>>>> memmap.
>>>> -     * Any file passed via -bios goes in the first of these.
>>>> +    /*
>>>> +     * Map two flash devices to fill the VIRT_FLASH space in the memmap.
>>>>       * sysmem is the system memory space. secure_sysmem is the secure view
>>>>       * of the system, and the first flash device should be made visible 
>>>> only
>>>>       * there. The second flash device is visible to both secure and 
>>>> nonsecure.
>>>> @@ -941,13 +936,21 @@ static void create_flash(const VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>>       */
>>>>      hwaddr flashsize = vms->memmap[VIRT_FLASH].size / 2;
>>>>      hwaddr flashbase = vms->memmap[VIRT_FLASH].base;
>>>> +
>>>> +    virt_flash_map1(vms->flash[0], flashbase, flashsize,
>>>> +                    secure_sysmem);
>>>> +    virt_flash_map1(vms->flash[1], flashbase + flashsize, flashsize,
>>>> +                    sysmem);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void virt_flash_fdt(VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>> +                           MemoryRegion *sysmem,
>>>> +                           MemoryRegion *secure_sysmem)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    hwaddr flashsize = vms->memmap[VIRT_FLASH].size / 2;
>>>> +    hwaddr flashbase = vms->memmap[VIRT_FLASH].base;
>>>>      char *nodename;
>>>> -    create_one_flash("virt.flash0", flashbase, flashsize,
>>>> -                     bios_name, secure_sysmem);
>>>> -    create_one_flash("virt.flash1", flashbase + flashsize, flashsize,
>>>> -                     NULL, sysmem);
>>>> -
>>>>      if (sysmem == secure_sysmem) {
>>>>          /* Report both flash devices as a single node in the DT */
>>>>          nodename = g_strdup_printf("/flash@%" PRIx64, flashbase);
>>>> @@ -959,7 +962,8 @@ static void create_flash(const VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>>          qemu_fdt_setprop_cell(vms->fdt, nodename, "bank-width", 4);
>>>>          g_free(nodename);
>>>>      } else {
>>>> -        /* Report the devices as separate nodes so we can mark one as
>>>> +        /*
>>>> +         * Report the devices as separate nodes so we can mark one as
>>>>           * only visible to the secure world.
>>>>           */
>>>>          nodename = g_strdup_printf("/secflash@%" PRIx64, flashbase);
>>>> @@ -982,6 +986,48 @@ static void create_flash(const VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>>      }
>>>>  }
>>>> +static bool virt_firmware_init(VirtMachineState *vms,
>>>> +                               MemoryRegion *sysmem,
>>>> +                               MemoryRegion *secure_sysmem)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    BlockBackend *pflash_blk0;
>>>> +
>>>> +    pflash_cfi01_legacy_drive(vms->flash, ARRAY_SIZE(vms->flash));
>>>> +    virt_flash_map(vms, sysmem, secure_sysmem);
>>>> +
>>>> +    pflash_blk0 = pflash_cfi01_get_blk(vms->flash[0]);
>>>> +
>>>> +    if (bios_name) {
>>>> +        char *fname;
>>>> +        MemoryRegion *mr;
>>>> +        int image_size;
>>>> +
>>>> +        if (pflash_blk0) {
>>>> +            error_report("The contents of the first flash device may be "
>>>> +                         "specified with -bios or with -drive 
>>>> if=pflash... "
>>>> +                         "but you cannot use both options at once");
>>>> +            exit(1);
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        /* Fall back to -bios */
>>>> +
>>>> +        fname = qemu_find_file(QEMU_FILE_TYPE_BIOS, bios_name);
>>>> +        if (!fname) {
>>>> +            error_report("Could not find ROM image '%s'", bios_name);
>>>> +            exit(1);
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        mr = sysbus_mmio_get_region(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(vms->flash[0]), 0);
>>>> +        image_size = load_image_mr(fname, mr);
>>>> +        g_free(fname);
>>>> +        if (image_size < 0) {
>>>> +            error_report("Could not load ROM image '%s'", bios_name);
>>>> +            exit(1);
>>>> +        }
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    return pflash_blk0 || bios_name;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  static FWCfgState *create_fw_cfg(const VirtMachineState *vms, 
>>>> AddressSpace *as)
>>>>  {
>>>>      hwaddr base = vms->memmap[VIRT_FW_CFG].base;
>>>> @@ -1421,7 +1467,7 @@ static void machvirt_init(MachineState *machine)
>>>>      MemoryRegion *secure_sysmem = NULL;
>>>>      int n, virt_max_cpus;
>>>>      MemoryRegion *ram = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
>>>> -    bool firmware_loaded = bios_name || drive_get(IF_PFLASH, 0, 0);
>>>> +    bool firmware_loaded;
>>>>      bool aarch64 = true;
>>>>      /*
>>>> @@ -1460,6 +1506,27 @@ static void machvirt_init(MachineState *machine)
>>>>          exit(1);
>>>>      }
>>>> +    if (vms->secure) {
>>>> +        if (kvm_enabled()) {
>>>> +            error_report("mach-virt: KVM does not support Security 
>>>> extensions");
>>>> +            exit(1);
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        /*
>>>> +         * The Secure view of the world is the same as the NonSecure,
>>>> +         * but with a few extra devices. Create it as a container region
>>>> +         * containing the system memory at low priority; any secure-only
>>>> +         * devices go in at higher priority and take precedence.
>>>> +         */
>>>> +        secure_sysmem = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
>>>> +        memory_region_init(secure_sysmem, OBJECT(machine), 
>>>> "secure-memory",
>>>> +                           UINT64_MAX);
>>>> +        memory_region_add_subregion_overlap(secure_sysmem, 0, sysmem, -1);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    firmware_loaded = virt_firmware_init(vms, sysmem,
>>>> +                                         secure_sysmem ?: sysmem);
>>>> +
>>>>      /* If we have an EL3 boot ROM then the assumption is that it will
>>>>       * implement PSCI itself, so disable QEMU's internal implementation
>>>>       * so it doesn't get in the way. Instead of starting secondary
>>> Namely, at this point, I seem to understand that we have to hoist this
>>> "vms->secure" block here, because:
>>> - below (not seen in the context), we have a condition on "firmware_loaded",
>> Correct.
>>> - "firmware_loaded" *now* depends on "secure_sysmem" (it used not to,
>>> before)
>> Correct again.
>> Before the patch, we have
>>     bool firmware_loaded = bios_name || drive_get(IF_PFLASH, 0, 0);
>> which really means "-bios or -drive if=pflash,unit=0 given".  If true,
>> create_flash() below will surely put firmware into the first flash chip.
> OK, so here I almost challenged you, "that's not what create_flash()
> does" -- but then I looked more closely, and create_flash() does call
> create_one_flash() *once* with (file = bios_name), and then
> create_one_flash() does mess with IF_PFLASH, partly dependent on "file"
> being non-NULL...


> I guess what's stunning me the most is how baroque this code is,
> relative to the x86 version,

I wouldn't call it more baroque, just differently baroque.  The x86
version was at least as difficult to update, mostly due to an even more
special -bios (ROM vs. flash), and the funky flash chip sizing.

>                              intermixed with FDT management and secure
> world and stuff. Obviously I have *contributed* to its complexity,
> because "firmware_loaded" comes from me, IIRC. :/ No wonder I don't
> understand your patch: I don't understand the pre-patch code.
>> Afterwards, predicting "will put firmware" is more complex.  Instead of
>> coding up a prediction of what create_flash()'s replacement
>> virt_firmware_init() is going to do, I have virt_firmware_init() return
>> what it did:
>>         firmware_loaded = virt_firmware_init(vms, sysmem,
>>                                              secure_sysmem ?: sysmem);
>> Naturally, I have to do this before firmware_loaded is used.  So
>> create_flash()'s replacement virt_firmware_init() moves up right before
>> the first use of firmware_loaded.  On its way, ...
>>> - and "secure_sysmem" depends on the "vms->secure" block that we're
>>> moving up here.
>> ... it bumps into the computation of secure_sysmem, and pushes it up,
>> too.
> OK.
>>> And that's where I grind to a halt, because I don't understand what the
>>> old functions are responsible for exactly, and how the responsibilities
>>> are now re-distributed, between the new functions.
>>> I tried to look at this patch with full function context, and I also
>>> tried to look at the full file (pre vs. post) through a colorized
>>> side-by-side diff. To no use.
>>> Now, I'm not saying this is a fault with the patch. It's entirely
>>> possible that the goal can only be achieved with such a "rewrite". I
>>> think it plausible that the patch cannot be done in multiple smaller
>>> patches, especially if we consider bisectability a requirement. (Maybe
>>> splitting the patch to smaller logical steps would be possible if we
>>> accepted halfway constructed and/or orphan objects, mid-series, that
>>> build and cause no issues at runtime. I don't know.)
>> Maybe it's possible, period.
>>> So it's *my* fault -- it's like the code is sliced into small bits and
>>> then reshuffled to a new story, and I can't follow the bits' dance.
>>> Can you add two high-level call trees, side-by-side, to the commit
>>> message, not just with function names but also with responsibilities?
>>> I guess I won't ask for arrows from the left to the right :) I'll try to
>>> draw them myself.
>> Before the patch:
> (ahh, fantastic. This is awesome. Thank you for it.
> Whining a bit in parentheses: why oh why do we call heavy-weight
> functions like qdev_create() as part of local variable initialization?
> My eyes are by now used to edk2 code mostly, and there, local variable
> initialization is *forbidden*, you can't even assign constants)

Uh, where did you throw out the bathwater?  I think we're short one

>>     main()
>>         machine_run_board_init()
>>             machvirt_init() [method .init()]
>>                 create_flash()
>>                     create_one_flash() for flash[0]
>>                         create
>>                         configure
>>                             includes obeying -drive if=pflash,unit=0
> I guess that's the qdev_prop_set_drive() part


>>                         realize
>>                         map
> ... not even an empty line between the last qdev_prop_set_string() and
> qdev_init_nofail()...

An empty line would eat more than 4% of my vt220!

>>                         fall back to -bios
>>                     create_one_flash() for flash[1]
>>                         create
>>                         configure
>>                             includes obeying -drive if=pflash,unit=1
> nice, the "1" in flash[1] comes from create_flash(), i.e., the caller,
> but "unit=1" for qdev_prop_set_drive() comes from... drive_get_next() in
> the variable initializer? :)

In my opinion, drive_get_next() should be taken out and shot.

> ... and then the bios-handling code at the bottom nonetheless uses
> drive_get(), with an explicit unit number? ;)
> (I'm not mocking the code, I'm laughing at myself: for brazenly
> attempting to "skim" this code before)
>>                         realize
>>                         map
>>                     update FDT
>> All the action is in create_flash().
> Awesome. Thanks!
>> Creating onboard devices in the machine's .init() method is common, but
>> that doesn't make it right.  By the time .init() runs, we're long done
>> with setting properties.  So anything we create that late cannot expose
>> properties.
> Ahh, this is a recurring topic. I remember this from a recent downstream
> review.
>>  The proper place to create onboard devices is
>> .instance_init().  This is why I need to split up create_flash().
>> After the patch:
>>     main()
>>         current_machine = object_new()
>>             ...
>>                 virt_instance_init() [method .instance_init()]
>>                     virt_flash_create()
>>                         virt_flash_create1() for flash[0]
> (typo: virt_pflash_create1)

Yes.  Maybe I should ditch that 'p'.

>>                             create
> (easier to read now! at least qdev_create() stands reasonably isolated)
>>                             configure: set defaults
>>                             become child of machine
>>                             add machine prop pflash0 as alias for drive
> beautiful (I've applied your patch and am reading the source in parallel
> to your road signs)
>>                         virt_flash_create1() for flash[1]
>>                             create
>>                             configure: set defaults
>>                             become child of machine [NEW]
>>                             add machine prop pflash1 as alias for drive [NEW]
> the [NEW] markers apply to the same steps in the invocation with
> flash[0] too, don't they?

Yes (editing accident).

>>         for all machine props: machine_set_property()
> uhoh, I got lost a bit here, but according to the source, I think you
> meant "for all machine properties from the *command line*"

Yes.  These two lines in main():

    machine_opts = qemu_get_machine_opts();
    qemu_opt_foreach(machine_opts, machine_set_property, current_machine,

>>             ...
>>                 property_set_alias() for machine props pflash0, pflash1
>>                     ...
>>                         set_drive() for cfi.pflash01 prop drive
>>                             this is how -machine pflash0=... etc set
> and the magic happens
> we've split off and moved to the front:
> - creation (defaults only)
> - configuration
> we added, as new:
> - parenting both chips to the machine, not the unattached dump
> - aliases to both chips' drive properties, by corresponding machine
>   properties
> and normal machine property parsing from the cmldine ended up setting
> the drives. Yay!


> we still need:
> - configuration (non-defaults)
> - realize (per flash)
> - map (per flash)
> - update FDT (single node for both chips, as long as there's no "secure"
>   flash)
>>         machine_run_board_init(current_machine);
>>             virt_firmware_init()
>>                 pflash_cfi01_legacy_drive()
>>                     legacy -drive if=pflash,unit=0 and =1 [NEW]
> OK, so this is where we turn the old style options into those machine
> type properties that were *not* set on the cmdline, and hence not
> recognized by the "for all machine props: ..." logic, in main()


>>                 virt_flash_map()
>>                     virt_flash_map1() for flash[0]
>>                         configure: num-blocks
>>                         realize
>>                         map
> definitely easier to read -- the function body is smaller (and I'm
> starting to get the hang of it too)
>>                     virt_flash_map1() for flash[1]
>>                         configure: num-blocks
>>                         realize
>>                         map
>>                 fall back to -bios
> This was really thick, but I chewed my way through it!
>>             virt_flash_fdt()
>>                 update FDT
>> Hope this helps!
> I've spent more two hours on reading your email, the source code, and
> writing my stupid little comments, and it's been a blast.
> I'm sold on the patch. I still don't feel like I'm an authority on it,
> so I can't offer an R-b, but I'm happy to give
> Acked-by: Laszlo Ersek <>
> on one condition: I beg you to include the before-after call trees in
> the commit message. :)

Can do; long commit messages are my specialty ;)

> ... Today's not been in vain! :)
> You rock,

/me bows

Thank you!

To write all this, I had to re-read my code, and realized I dislike my
pflash_cfi01_legacy_drive().  I think I can make it a bit neater for v2.


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