On 25.3.19. 22:16, Aleksandar Markovic wrote:
From: Mateja Marjanovic <mateja.marjano...@rt-rk.com>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 3:52 PM
To: qemu-devel@nongnu.org
Cc: aurel...@aurel32.net; Aleksandar Markovic; Aleksandar Rikalo
Subject: [PATCH v2 5/7] target/mips: Eliminate unreachable case for MSA
instructions copy_u
From: Mateja Marjanovic <mateja.marjano...@rt-rk.com>
The copy_u instruction doesn't support doublewords, and supports
words only if the CPU is MIPS64 [1] (page 138), for MIPS32 it
supports only byte and halfword [2] (page 138).
[1] MIPS Architecture for Programmers
Volume IV-j: The MIPS64 SIMD
Architecture Module
[2] MIPS Architecture for Programmers
Volume IV-j: The MIPS32 SIMD
Architecture Module
It is not enough to cite the document title, you need release number.
The latest for both MSA docs are I think 6.12. Download them from
official MIPS site, and check the page numbers again.
I will correct that in v3.
This patch should be split into two: one if "ifdef-ing" "W" case, and
another for deleting "D" case.
Same goes for this.