
These two patches fix the cd media size change bugs.
The test scenario is:

1. create an iso image from a file
2. create a second iso image from a bigger file
3. mount 1st cd in guest
4. unmount it
5. change cd via qemu monitor
6. mount 2nd cd
7. copy file on cd to local disk -- shows errors.

v2: Set media_change_notified to 1 if SENSE_UNIT_ATTENTION is not set
after migration.  This is the only thing needed for migration compat.

Please apply.

Amit Shah (2):
  cdrom: Allow the TEST_UNIT_READY command after a cdrom change
  cdrom: Make disc change event visible to guests

 hw/ide/core.c     |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 hw/ide/internal.h |    1 +
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)


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