This series scratches small itches with the pa audio driver.

First patch is probably a bug introduced in last weeks -audiodev
merge. The configured buffer length was ignored by the code, and
a constant value was used instead.

Second patch makes the latency configurable: The 10ms constant value
did not work on my machine (caused both guest and host audio to 
malfunction), so I made it configurable, and set a 
default of 15ms, which is fine here.

Third patch fixes a long time problem with microphone input having 
half a minute (not kidding) delay. 

Is there a chance this still gets included in 4.0? If that's the case
I'd make a post on Reddit's VFIO section to find some testers, to see
if the defaults work.

Martin Schrodt (3):
  fix: buffer_length is ignored
  make latency configurable
  fix input lag

 audio/paaudio.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 qapi/audio.json |  5 ++++-
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)


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