On 03/10/19 18:23, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
> Hi Laszlo,
> On 3/10/19 4:17 PM, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
>> On 3/9/19 1:48 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>>> Extract the dense logic for architecture and toolchain massaging from
>>> "tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh", to a set of small functions. We'll reuse
>>> these functions for building full platform firmware images.
>>> Signed-off-by: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
>>> ---
>>>  roms/edk2-funcs.sh             | 240 ++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh |  97 +-------
>>>  2 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/roms/edk2-funcs.sh b/roms/edk2-funcs.sh
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 000000000000..908c7665c6ed
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/roms/edk2-funcs.sh
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
>>> +# Shell script that defines functions for determining some environmental
>>> +# characteristics for the edk2 "build" utility.
>>> +#
>>> +# This script is meant to be sourced.
>>> +#
>>> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Red Hat, Inc.
>>> +#
>>> +# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made 
>>> available
>>> +# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this
>>> +# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
>>> +# <http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php>.
>>> +#
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Verify whether the QEMU system emulation target is supported by the UEFI 
>>> spec
>>> +# and edk2. Print a message to the standard error, and return with nonzero
>>> +# status, if verification fails.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_verify_arch()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +  local program_name=$(basename -- "$0")
>>> +
>>> +  case "$emulation_target" in
>>> +    (arm|aarch64|i386|x86_64)
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (*)
>>> +      printf '%s: unknown/unsupported QEMU system emulation target "%s"\n' 
>>> \
>>> +        "$program_name" "$emulation_target" >&2
>>> +      return 1
>>> +      ;;
>>> +  esac
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Translate the QEMU system emulation target to the edk2 architecture
>>> +# identifier. Print the result to the standard output.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_get_arch()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +
>>> +  if ! qemu_edk2_verify_arch "$emulation_target"; then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  case "$emulation_target" in
>>> +    (arm)
>>> +      printf 'ARM\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (aarch64)
>>> +      printf 'AARCH64\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (i386)
>>> +      printf 'IA32\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (x86_64)
>>> +      printf 'X64\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +  esac
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Translate the QEMU system emulation target to the gcc cross-compilation
>>> +# architecture identifier. Print the result to the standard output.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_get_gcc_arch()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +
>>> +  if ! qemu_edk2_verify_arch "$emulation_target"; then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  case "$emulation_target" in
>>> +    (arm|aarch64|x86_64)
>>> +      printf '%s\n' "$emulation_target"
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (i386)
>>> +      printf 'i686\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +  esac
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Determine the gcc cross-compiler prefix (if any) for use with the edk2
>>> +# toolchain. Print the result to the standard output.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_get_cross_prefix()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +  local gcc_arch
>>> +  local host_arch
>>> +
>>> +  if ! gcc_arch=$(qemu_edk2_get_gcc_arch "$emulation_target"); then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  host_arch=$(uname -m)
>>> +
>>> +  if [ "$gcc_arch" == "$host_arch" ] ||
>>> +     ( [ "$gcc_arch" == i686 ] && [ "$host_arch" == x86_64 ] ); then
>>> +    # no cross-compiler needed
>>> +    :
>>> +  else
>>> +    printf '%s-linux-gnu-\n' "$gcc_arch"
> Testing on Ubuntu (bionic), the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf provides the
> arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc binary, therefore I use:
> GCC5_ARM_PREFIX="arm-linux-gnueabihf-" make -C roms efi
> But this function enforce cross prefix to be arm-linux-gnu- :(
> I tried with the following Linaro toolchains:
> gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
> gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
> gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
> With the distrib toolchain or the Linaro enumerated, I get:
> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-gnu-gcc: not found

This is a valid point, but out of scope for now. We can improve this
later, if necessary. For starters, it should work for people that
actually want to rebuild the images.

... Unfortunately, this -- i.e., abstracting away distro specifics of
cross compilation -- is a bottomless pit. For example, "roms/Makefile"
already contains

# cross compiler auto detection

for cross-building some other firmwares. But I'm quite certain you could
find Linux distros where that logic too would break.

(If I'm wrong and that logic is *guaranteed* to work, then we should
later extend the logic to arm/aarch64, and extract it to a separate
feature so it can be reused by edk2 platforms and modules as well -- not
just this series, but also "tests/uefi-test-tools/".)


>>> +  fi
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Determine the edk2 toolchain tag for the QEMU system emulation target. 
>>> Print
>>> +# the result to the standard output. Print a message to the standard 
>>> error, and
>>> +# return with nonzero status, if the (conditional) gcc version check fails.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_get_toolchain()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +  local program_name=$(basename -- "$0")
>>> +  local cross_prefix
>>> +  local gcc_version
>>> +
>>> +  if ! qemu_edk2_verify_arch "$emulation_target"; then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  case "$emulation_target" in
>>> +    (arm|aarch64)
>>> +      printf 'GCC5\n'
>>> +      ;;
>>> +
>>> +    (i386|x86_64)
>>> +      if ! cross_prefix=$(qemu_edk2_get_cross_prefix "$emulation_target"); 
>>> then
>>> +        return 1
>>> +      fi
>>> +
>>> +      gcc_version=$("${cross_prefix}gcc" -v 2>&1 | tail -1 | awk '{print 
>>> $3}')
>>> +      # Run "git-blame" on "OvmfPkg/build.sh" in edk2 for more information 
>>> on
>>> +      # the mapping below.
>>> +      case "$gcc_version" in
>>> +        ([1-3].*|4.[0-3].*)
>>> +          printf '%s: unsupported gcc version "%s"\n' \
>>> +            "$program_name" "$gcc_version" >&2
>>> +          return 1
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.4.*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC44\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.5.*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC45\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.6.*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC46\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.7.*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC47\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.8.*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC48\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (4.9.*|6.[0-2].*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC49\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +        (*)
>>> +          printf 'GCC5\n'
>>> +          ;;
>>> +      esac
>>> +      ;;
>>> +  esac
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Determine the name of the environment variable that exposes the
>>> +# cross-compiler prefix to the edk2 "build" utility. Print the result to 
>>> the
>>> +# standard output.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_get_cross_prefix_var()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +  local edk2_toolchain
>>> +  local edk2_arch
>>> +
>>> +  if ! edk2_toolchain=$(qemu_edk2_get_toolchain "$emulation_target"); then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  case "$emulation_target" in
>>> +    (arm|aarch64)
>>> +      if ! edk2_arch=$(qemu_edk2_get_arch "$emulation_target"); then
>>> +        return 1
>>> +      fi
>>> +      printf '%s_%s_PREFIX\n' "$edk2_toolchain" "$edk2_arch"
>>> +      ;;
>>> +    (i386|x86_64)
>>> +      printf '%s_BIN\n' "$edk2_toolchain"
>>> +      ;;
>>> +  esac
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +# Set and export the environment variable(s) necessary for 
>>> cross-compilation,
>>> +# whenever needed by the edk2 "build" utility.
>>> +#
>>> +# Parameters:
>>> +#   $1: QEMU system emulation target
>>> +qemu_edk2_set_cross_env()
>>> +{
>>> +  local emulation_target="$1"
>>> +  local cross_prefix
>>> +  local cross_prefix_var
>>> +
>>> +  if ! cross_prefix=$(qemu_edk2_get_cross_prefix "$emulation_target"); then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  if [ -z "$cross_prefix" ]; then
>>> +    # Nothing to do.
>>> +    return 0
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  if ! cross_prefix_var=$(qemu_edk2_get_cross_prefix_var \
>>> +                            "$emulation_target"); then
>>> +    return 1
>>> +  fi
>>> +
>>> +  eval "export $cross_prefix_var=\$cross_prefix"
>>> +}
>>> diff --git a/tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh b/tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh
>>> index 155cb75c4ddb..e2b52c855c39 100755
>>> --- a/tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh
>>> +++ b/tests/uefi-test-tools/build.sh
>>> @@ -38,97 +38,12 @@ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
>>>    exit $ret
>>>  fi
>>> -# Map the QEMU system emulation target to the following types of 
>>> architecture
>>> -# identifiers:
>>> -# - edk2,
>>> -# - gcc cross-compilation.
>>> -# Cover only those targets that are supported by the UEFI spec and edk2.
>>> -case "$emulation_target" in
>>> -  (arm)
>>> -    edk2_arch=ARM
>>> -    gcc_arch=arm
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (aarch64)
>>> -    edk2_arch=AARCH64
>>> -    gcc_arch=aarch64
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (i386)
>>> -    edk2_arch=IA32
>>> -    gcc_arch=i686
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (x86_64)
>>> -    edk2_arch=X64
>>> -    gcc_arch=x86_64
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (*)
>>> -    printf '%s: unknown/unsupported QEMU system emulation target "%s"\n' \
>>> -      "$program_name" "$emulation_target" >&2
>>> -    exit 1
>>> -    ;;
>>> -esac
>>> -
>>> -# Check if cross-compilation is needed.
>>> -host_arch=$(uname -m)
>>> -if [ "$gcc_arch" == "$host_arch" ] ||
>>> -   ( [ "$gcc_arch" == i686 ] && [ "$host_arch" == x86_64 ] ); then
>>> -  cross_prefix=
>>> -else
>>> -  cross_prefix=${gcc_arch}-linux-gnu-
>>> -fi
>>> -
>>> -# Expose cross_prefix (which is possibly empty) to the edk2 tools. While 
>>> at it,
>>> -# determine the suitable edk2 toolchain as well.
>>> -# - For ARM and AARCH64, edk2 only offers the GCC5 toolchain tag, which 
>>> covers
>>> -#   the gcc-5+ releases.
>>> -# - For IA32 and X64, edk2 offers the GCC44 through GCC49 toolchain tags, 
>>> in
>>> -#   addition to GCC5. Unfortunately, the mapping between the toolchain 
>>> tags and
>>> -#   the actual gcc releases isn't entirely trivial. Run "git-blame" on
>>> -#   "OvmfPkg/build.sh" in edk2 for more information.
>>> -# And, because the above is too simple, we have to assign cross_prefix to 
>>> an
>>> -# edk2 build variable that is specific to both the toolchain tag and the 
>>> target
>>> -# architecture.
>>> -case "$edk2_arch" in
>>> -  (ARM)
>>> -    edk2_toolchain=GCC5
>>> -    export GCC5_ARM_PREFIX=$cross_prefix
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (AARCH64)
>>> -    edk2_toolchain=GCC5
>>> -    export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=$cross_prefix
>>> -    ;;
>>> -  (IA32|X64)
>>> -    gcc_version=$("${cross_prefix}gcc" -v 2>&1 | tail -1 | awk '{print 
>>> $3}')
>>> -    case "$gcc_version" in
>>> -      ([1-3].*|4.[0-3].*)
>>> -        printf '%s: unsupported gcc version "%s"\n' \
>>> -          "$program_name" "$gcc_version" >&2
>>> -        exit 1
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.4.*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC44
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.5.*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC45
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.6.*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC46
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.7.*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC47
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.8.*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC48
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (4.9.*|6.[0-2].*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC49
>>> -        ;;
>>> -      (*)
>>> -        edk2_toolchain=GCC5
>>> -        ;;
>>> -    esac
>>> -    eval "export ${edk2_toolchain}_BIN=\$cross_prefix"
>>> -    ;;
>>> -esac
>>> +# Fetch some option arguments, and set the cross-compilation environment 
>>> (if
>>> +# any), for the edk2 "build" utility.
>>> +source "$edk2_dir/../edk2-funcs.sh"
>>> +edk2_arch=$(qemu_edk2_get_arch "$emulation_target")
>>> +edk2_toolchain=$(qemu_edk2_get_toolchain "$emulation_target")
>>> +qemu_edk2_set_cross_env "$emulation_target"
>>>  # Build the UEFI binary
>>>  mkdir -p log
>> Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <phi...@redhat.com>
>> Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <phi...@redhat.com>

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