On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 01:30:06PM +0100, Laszlo Ersek wrote: > Hi, > > in order to build any OVMF platform firmware image from the submodule at > "roms/edk2", the (recursive) OpenSSL submodule at > "roms/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl" needs to be initialized > as well. > > Am I right to think this would be the first recursive submodule in QEMU? > How should I approach this? (I see we have a related script at > "scripts/git-submodule.sh".)
The scripts/git-submodule.sh file is called automatically by "make" in QEMU to activate any submodules that are required during the normal build a QEMU developer does. The ROM submodules are special though. AFAIK, these are never built as a side effect of the QEMU build process, so never need to be initialized by the git-submodule.sh script. Developers always just use the pre-built ROM files bundled in QEMU. The only people checking out the ROM submodules are the maintainers who periodically build a new binary ROM. So in this sense the fact that EDK has submodules shouldn't be a factor, as we would not expect EDK to be built by regular QEMU developers Regards, Daniel -- |: https://berrange.com -o- https://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange :| |: https://libvirt.org -o- https://fstop138.berrange.com :| |: https://entangle-photo.org -o- https://www.instagram.com/dberrange :|