Am 30.03.2011 20:40, schrieb Lyu Mitnick:
Hello Stefan,

I have spent a whole night to trace the code of block/vpc.c and compare against the VHD specifications (at;displaylang=en <;displaylang=en>). It seems that there isn't Fixed hard disk image and Differencing hard disk image support now. I am wondering whether what I has learned from tracing code is true or false? I also found some possibility of optimization in block/vpc.c. Should I contact mentor assigned to this project in private or post the whole idea on the mailing list??

thanks very much


Hello Mitnick,

asynchronous i/o is also missing in block/vpc.c.

All newer block drivers support asynchronous reads and writes,
only some old drivers don't.

So adding asynchronous i/o to at least some of the old drivers
would improve their usability.

Look for "aio" in block/*.c to get a starting point.

Stefan (W.)

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