On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 03:39:15PM +0100, Erik Skultety wrote: > Hi, > I'm starting this thread in order to continue with the ongoing efforts to > bring actual integration testing to libvirt. Currently, the status quo is that > we build libvirt (along with our unit test suite) using different OS-flavoured > VMs in ci.centos.org. Andrea put a tremendous amount of work to not only > automate the whole process of creating the VMs but also having a way for a > dev to re-create the same environment locally without jenkins by using the > lcitool.
Note that it is more than just libvirt on the ci.centos.org host. Our current built project list covers libosinfo, libvirt, libvirt-cim, libvirt-dbus, libvirt-glib, libvirt-go, libvirt-go-xml, libvirt-ocaml, libvirt-perl, libvirt-python, libvirt-sandbox, libvirt-tck, osinfo-db, osinfo-db-tools, virt-manager & virt-viewer For the C libraries in that list, we've also built & tested for mingw32/64. All the projects also build RPMs. In addition to ci.centos.org we have Travis CI testing for several of the projects - libvirt, libvirt-go, libvirt-go-xml, libvirt-dbus, libvirt-rust and libvirt-python. In the libvirt case this uses Docker containers, but others just use native Travis environment. Travis is the only place we get macOS coverage for libvirt. Finally everything is x86-only right now, though I've been working on using Debian to build cross-compiler container environments to address that limitation. We also have patchew scanning libvir-list and running syntax-check across patches though it has not been very reliably running in recent times which is a shame. > #THE LONG STORY SHORT > As far as the functional test suite goes, there's an already existing > integration with the avocado-vt and a massive number of test cases at [1] > which is currently not used for upstream testing, primarily because of the > huge > number of test cases (and also many unnecessary legacy test cases). > An alternative set of functional test cases is available as part of the > libvirt-tck framework [2]. The obvious question now is how can we build upon > any of this and introduce proper functional testing of upstream libvirt to our > jenkins environment at ci.centos.org, so I formulated the following discussion > points as I think these are crucial to sort out before we move on to the test > suite itself: > > * Infrastructure/Storage requirements (need for hosting pre-build images?) > - one of the main goals we should strive for with upstream CI is that > every developer should be able to run the integration test suite on > their own machine (conveniently) prior to submitting their patchset to > the list Any test suite that developers are expected to run before submissions needs to be reasonably fast to run, and above all it needs to be very r eliable. If it is slow, or wastes time by giving false positives, developers will quickly learn to not bother running it. This neccessarily implies that what developers run will only be a small subset of what the CI systems run. Developers just need to be able to then reproduce failures from CI in some manner locally to debug things after the fact. > - we need a reproducible environment to ensure that we don't get > different > results across different platforms (including ci.centos.org), therefore > we could provide pre-built images with environment already set up to > run > the suite in an L1 guest. > - as for performing migration tests, we could utilize nested virt Migration testing doesn't fundamentally need nested virt. It just needs two separate isolated libvirt instances. From POV of libvirt, we're just testing our integration with QEMU, for which it is sufficient to use TCG, not KVM. This could be done with any two VMs, or two container environments. > - should we go this way, having some publicly accessible storage to host > all the pre-built images is a key problem to solve > > -> an estimate of how much we're currently using: roughly 130G from > our 500G allocation at ci.centos.org to store 8 qcow2 images + 2 > freebsd isos > > -> we're also fairly generous with how much we allocate for a guest > image as most of the guests don't even use half of the 20G > allocation > > -> considering sparsifying the pre-built images and compressing > them > + adding a ton of dependencies to run the suite, extending the > pool of distros by including ubuntu 16 + 18, 200-250G is IMHO > quite a generous estimate of our real need > > -> we need to find a party willing to give us the estimated amount > of publicly accessible storage and consider whether we'd need > any > funds for that > > -> we'd have to also talk to other projects that have done a > similar > thing about possible caveats related to hosting images, e.g. > bandwidth > > -> as for ci.centos.org, it does provide publicly accessible folder > where projects can store artifacts (the documentation even > mentions VM images), there might a limit though [3] > > - alternatively, we could use Docker images to test migration instead of > nested virt (and not only migration) > -> we'd loose support for non-Linux platforms like FreeBSD which we > would not if we used nested This is a false dichotomy, as use of Docker and VM images are not mutally exclusive. The problems around need for large disk storage and bandwidth requirements for hosting disk images are a nice illustration of why the use of containers for build & test environments has grown so quickly to become a defacto standard approach. The image storage & bandwidth issue becomes someone else problem, where that someone else is Docker Hub or Quay.io, and thus incurrs financial or admin costs to the project. When using public services though, we should of course be careful not to get locked into a specific vendor's service. Fortunately docker images are widely supported enough that this isn't a big issue, as we've already proved by switching from Dockre Hub to Quay.io for our current images. The added benefit of containers is that developers don't then require a system with physical or nested virt in order to run the environment. The containers can run efficiently on any hardware available, phyiscal or virtual. The vast majority of our targetted build platforms are Linux based, so can be hosted via containers. The *BSD platforms can remain using disk images. Provided that developers have a automated mechanism for creating the *BSD images (using lcitool as today), then I don't see a compelling need to actually provide hosting for pre-built VM disk images. Developers can build them locally as & when they are needed. In terms of infrastructure I think the most critical thing we are lacking is the hardware resource for actually running the CI systems, which is a definite blocker if we want to run any kind of extensive functional / integration tests. We could make better use of our current ci.centos.org server by switching the Linux environments to use Docker. This would reduce the memory footprint of each environment significantly, as we'd not be statically partitioning up RAM to each env. It would improve our CPU utilization by allowing each job to access all host CPUs, with the host OS balancing. Currently each VM only gets 2 vCPUs, out of 8 in the host. So in times where only 1 job is running we've wasted 3/4 of our CPU resource. We could increase all the VMs to have 8 vCPUs, which could improve things but it still has 2 schedulars involved, so won't be as resource efficient as containers. Regardless of any improvements to current utilization though, I don't see the current hardware having sufficient capacity to run serious integration tests, especially if we want the integration tests run on multiple OS targets. IOW the key blocker is a 2nd server that we can register to ci.centos.org for running jenkins jobs. Our original server was a gift from the CentOS project IIUC. If CentOS don't have the capacity to provide a second server, then I think we should push Red Hat to fund it, given how fundamental the libvirt project is to Red Hat. > * Hosting the test suite itself > - the main point to discuss here is whether the test suite should be part > of the main libvirt repo following QEMU's lead by example or should > they > live inside a separate repo (a new one or as part of > libvirt-jenkins-ci [4] The libvirt-jenkins-ci repository is for tools/scripts/config to manage the CI infrastructure itself. No actual tests belong there. I don't think they need to be in the libvirt.git repository either. Libvirt has long taken the approach of keeping independent parts of the project in their own distinct repository, allowing them to live & evolve as best suits their needs. We indeed already have external repos containing integration tests such as the TCK and the (largely unused now) libvirt-Test-API Having it in a separate repo doesn't prevent us from making it easy to run the test suite from the master libvirt.git. It is trivial to have make rules that will pull in the external repo content. We've already done that with libvirt-go-xml, where we pull in libvirt.git to provide XML files for testing against. > -> the question here for QEMU folks is: > > *"What was the rationale for QEMU to decide to have avocado-qemu as > part of the main repo?"* > * What framework to use for the test suite > - libvirt-tck because it already contains a bunch of very useful tests as > mentioned in the beginning > - using the avocado-vt plugin because that's what's the existing > libvirt-test-provider [1] is about > - pure avocado for its community popularity and continuous development > and > once again follow QEMU leading by example > -> and again a question for QEMU folks: I think there's two distinct questions / decision points there. There the harness that controls execution & reporting results of the tests, and there is the framework for actually writing individual tests. The libvirt-TCK originally has Perl's Test::Harness for running and reporting the tests. The actual test cases are using the TAP protocol for their output. The test cases written in Perl use Test::More for generating TAP output, the tests cases written in shell just write TAP format results directly. The test cases can thus be executed by anything that knows how to consume the TAP format. Likewises tests can be writen in Python, Go, $whatever, as long as it can emit TAP format. I think such independance is useful as it makes it easy to integrate tests with distinct harnesses. I also think there's really not any single "best" test suite. We already have multiple, and they have different levels of coverage not least of the API bindings. For example, by virtue of using Perl, the TCK provides integration testing of the Sys::Virt API bindings to libvirt. The avocado-vt gives the same benefit to the Python bindings. We should just make it easy to run all of the suites that we might find useful rather than trying pick a perfect one. I should note that the TCK project is not merely intended for upstream dev. It was also intended as something for downstream users/admins/ vendors to use as a way to validate that their specific installation of libvirt was operating correctly. As such it goes to some trouble to avoid damaging the host system, so that developers can safely run it on precious machine. They don't need to setup a throwaway box to run it in & it can be launched with zero config & do something sensible. > *"What was QEMU's take on this and why did they decide to go with > avocado-qemu?"* Note is a bit more complicated than this for QEMU as there's acutally many test systems in QEMU - Unit tests emitting TAP format with GLib's TAP harnes - QTests functional tests emitting TAP format with GLib's TAP harness - Block I/O functional/integration tests emitting a custom format with its own harness - Acceptance (integration) tests using avacado > * Integrating the test suite with the main libvirt.git repo > - if we host the suite as part of libvirt-jenkins-ci as mentioned in the > previous section then we could make libvirt-jenkins-ci a submodule of > libvirt.git and enhance the toolchain by having something like 'make > integration' that would prepare the selected guests and execute the > test > suite in them (only on demand) Git submodules have the (both useful & annoying) feature that they are tied to a specific commit of the submodule. Tieing to a specific commit certainly makes sense for build deps like gnulib, but I don't think its so clearcut for the test suite. I think it would be useful not to have to update the submodule commit hash in libvirt.git any time a new useful test was added to the test repo. IOW, it is probably sufficient to simply have "make" do a normal git clone of the external repo so it always gets fresh test content. Regards, Daniel -- |: https://berrange.com -o- https://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange :| |: https://libvirt.org -o- https://fstop138.berrange.com :| |: https://entangle-photo.org -o- https://www.instagram.com/dberrange :|