On 1/19/19 4:58 AM, Vishnu Dev wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a undergraduate Binary Exploitation enthusiast who would like to
> participate in GSoC with qemu on some security related project . While
> enquiring on IRC @agraf suggested a idea of implementing memory tag extension
> on ARM, this seems to be a good project . I have some experience reversing ARM
> binaries and exploitation on ARM architecture but have not done any open 
> source
> contribution but I feel GSoC will be a great opportunity for me to begin and
> since I am really found of low level stuff, qemu seems to be a good
> organization to work with . also Qemu have helped me while working on ARM
> exploitation and Linux kernel Exploitation.
> Is this project feasible to implement as a GSoC project this year .

I have just posted an implementation of this extension.



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