On 12/12/2018 09:11 AM, Jason J. Herne wrote:
Add struct for format-0 ccws. Support executing format-0 channel
programs and waiting for their completion before continuing execution.
This will be used for real dasd ipl.

Add cu_type() to channel io library. This will be used to query control
unit type which is used to determine if we are booting a virtio device or a
real dasd device.

Signed-off-by: Jason J. Herne <jjhe...@linux.ibm.com>
  pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.c      | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h      | 124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
  pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.h |   1 +
  pc-bios/s390-ccw/start.S    |  33 +++++++++++-
  4 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.c b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.c
index 095f79b..9019250 100644
--- a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.c
+++ b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@

  #include "libc.h"
  #include "s390-ccw.h"
+#include "s390-arch.h"
  #include "cio.h"

  static char chsc_page[PAGE_SIZE] __attribute__((__aligned__(PAGE_SIZE)));
@@ -39,3 +40,110 @@ void enable_subchannel(SubChannelId schid)
      schib.pmcw.ena = 1;
      msch(schid, &schib);
+uint16_t cu_type(SubChannelId schid)
+    Ccw1 sense_id_ccw;
+    SenseId sense_data;
+    sense_id_ccw.cmd_code = CCW_CMD_SENSE_ID;
+    sense_id_ccw.cda = ptr2u32(&sense_data);
+    sense_id_ccw.count = sizeof(sense_data);
+    if (do_cio(schid, ptr2u32(&sense_id_ccw), CCW_FMT1)) {
+        panic("Failed to run SenseID CCw\n");
+    }
+    return sense_data.cu_type;
+void basic_sense(SubChannelId schid, SenseData *sd)
+    Ccw1 senseCcw;
+    senseCcw.cmd_code = CCW_CMD_BASIC_SENSE;
+    senseCcw.cda = ptr2u32(sd);
+    senseCcw.count = sizeof(*sd);
+    if (do_cio(schid, ptr2u32(&senseCcw), CCW_FMT1)) {
+        panic("Failed to run Basic Sense CCW\n");
+    }
+static bool irb_error(Irb *irb)
+    /* We have to ignore Incorrect Length (cstat == 0x40) indicators because
+     * real devices expect a 24 byte SenseID  buffer, and virtio devices expect
+     * a much larger buffer. Neither device type can tolerate a buffer size
+     * different from what they expect so they set this indicator.
+     */
+    if (irb->scsw.cstat != 0x00 && irb->scsw.cstat != 0x40) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return irb->scsw.dstat != 0xc;
+/* Executes a channel program at a given subchannel. The request to run the
+ * channel program is sent to the subchannel, we then wait for the interrupt
+ * singaling completion of the I/O operation(s) perfomed by the channel
+ * program. Lastly we verify that the i/o operation completed without error and
+ * that the interrupt we received was for the subchannel used to run the
+ * channel program.
+ *
+ * Note: This function assumes it is running in an environment where no other
+ * cpus are generating or receiving I/O interrupts. So either run it in a
+ * single-cpu environment or make sure all other cpus are not doing I/O and
+ * have I/O interrupts masked off.
+ */
+int do_cio(SubChannelId schid, uint32_t ccw_addr, int fmt)
+    CmdOrb orb = {};
+    Irb irb = {};
+    SenseData sd;
+    int rc, retries = 0;
+    IPL_assert(fmt == 0 || fmt == 1, "Invalid ccw format");
+    /* ccw_addr must be <= 24 bits and point to at least one whole ccw. */
+    if (fmt == 0) {
+        IPL_assert(ccw_addr <= 0xFFFFFF - 8, "Invalid ccw address");
+    }
+    orb.fmt = fmt ;
+    orb.pfch = 1;  /* QEMU's cio implementation requires prefetch */
+    orb.c64 = 1;   /* QEMU's cio implementation requires 64-bit idaws */
+    orb.lpm = 0xFF; /* All paths allowed */
+    orb.cpa = ccw_addr;
+    while (true) {
+        rc = ssch(schid, &orb);
+        if (rc) {
+            print_int("ssch failed with rc=", rc);
+            break;
+        }
+        consume_io_int();
+        /* Clear read */
+        rc = tsch(schid, &irb);
+        if (rc) {
+            print_int("tsch failed with rc=", rc);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (!irb_error(&irb)) {
+            break;
+        }

Now that we enable i/o interrupts, do we still need drain_irqs function anymore? Maybe we could refactor that.

My question is more out of curiosity and I know it's out of the score for this patch series.

+        /* Unexpected unit check. Use sense to clear unit check then retry. */
+        if (unit_check(&irb) && retries <= 2) {
+            basic_sense(schid, &sd);
+            retries++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    return rc;
diff --git a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h
index 7b07d75..5c16635 100644
--- a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h
+++ b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h
@@ -70,9 +70,46 @@ struct scsw {
      __u16 count;
  } __attribute__ ((packed));

-#define SCSW_FCTL_CLEAR_FUNC 0x1000
-#define SCSW_FCTL_HALT_FUNC 0x2000
+/* Function Control */
  #define SCSW_FCTL_START_FUNC 0x4000
+#define SCSW_FCTL_HALT_FUNC 0x2000
+#define SCSW_FCTL_CLEAR_FUNC 0x1000
+/* Activity Control */
+#define SCSW_ACTL_RESUME_PEND   0x0800
+#define SCSW_ACTL_START_PEND    0x0400
+#define SCSW_ACTL_HALT_PEND     0x0200
+#define SCSW_ACTL_CLEAR_PEND    0x0100
+#define SCSW_ACTL_CH_ACTIVE     0x0080
+#define SCSW_ACTL_DEV_ACTIVE    0x0040
+#define SCSW_ACTL_SUSPENDED     0x0020
+/* Status Control */
+#define SCSW_SCTL_ALERT         0x0010
+#define SCSW_SCTL_INTERMED      0x0008
+#define SCSW_SCTL_PRIMARY       0x0004
+#define SCSW_SCTL_SECONDARY     0x0002
+#define SCSW_SCTL_STATUS_PEND   0x0001
+/* SCSW Device Status Flags */
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_ATTN     0x80
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_STATMOD  0x40
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_CUEND    0x20
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_BUSY     0x10
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_CHEND    0x08
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_DEVEND   0x04
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_UCHK     0x02
+#define SCSW_DSTAT_UEXCP    0x01
+/* SCSW Subchannel Status Flags */
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_PCINT    0x80
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_BADLEN   0x40
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_PROGCHK  0x20
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_PROTCHK  0x10
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_CHDCHK   0x08
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_CHCCHK   0x04
+#define SCSW_CSTAT_ICCHK    0x02

   * subchannel information block
@@ -127,7 +164,23 @@ struct tpi_info {
      __u32 reserved4  : 12;
  } __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4)));

-/* channel command word (type 1) */
+/* channel command word (format 0) */
+typedef struct ccw0 {
+    __u8 cmd_code;
+    __u32 cda        : 24;
+    __u32 chainData  : 1;
+    __u32 chain      : 1;
+    __u32 sli        : 1;
+    __u32 skip       : 1;
+    __u32 pci        : 1;
+    __u32 ida        : 1;
+    __u32 suspend    : 1;
+    __u32 mida       : 1;
+    __u8 reserved;
+    __u16 count;
+} __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(8))) Ccw0;
+/* channel command word (format 1) */
  typedef struct ccw1 {
      __u8 cmd_code;
      __u8 flags;
@@ -135,6 +188,10 @@ typedef struct ccw1 {
      __u32 cda;
  } __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(8))) Ccw1;

+/* do_cio() CCW formats */
+#define CCW_FMT0                 0x00
+#define CCW_FMT1                 0x01
  #define CCW_FLAG_DC              0x80
  #define CCW_FLAG_CC              0x40
  #define CCW_FLAG_SLI             0x20
@@ -190,6 +247,9 @@ struct ciw {
      __u16 count;

+#define CU_TYPE_VIRTIO          0x3832
+#define CU_TYPE_DASD            0x3990
   * sense-id response buffer layout
@@ -205,6 +265,61 @@ typedef struct senseid {
      struct ciw ciw[62];
  }  __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4))) SenseId;

+/* architected values for first sense byte */
+#define SNS0_CMD_REJECT         0x80
+#define SNS0_INTERVENTION_REQ   0x40
+#define SNS0_BUS_OUT_CHECK      0x20
+#define SNS0_EQUIPMENT_CHECK    0x10
+#define SNS0_DATA_CHECK         0x08
+#define SNS0_OVERRUN            0x04
+#define SNS0_INCOMPL_DOMAIN     0x01
+/* architectured values for second sense byte */
+#define SNS1_PERM_ERR           0x80
+#define SNS1_INV_TRACK_FORMAT   0x40
+#define SNS1_EOC                0x20
+#define SNS1_MESSAGE_TO_OPER    0x10
+#define SNS1_NO_REC_FOUND       0x08
+#define SNS1_FILE_PROTECTED     0x04
+#define SNS1_WRITE_INHIBITED    0x02
+#define SNS1_INPRECISE_END      0x01
+/* architectured values for third sense byte */
+#define SNS2_REQ_INH_WRITE      0x80
+#define SNS2_CORRECTABLE        0x40
+#define SNS2_FIRST_LOG_ERR      0x20
+#define SNS2_ENV_DATA_PRESENT   0x10
+#define SNS2_INPRECISE_END      0x04
+/* 24-byte Sense fmt/msg codes */
+#define SENSE24_FMT_PROG_SYS    0x0
+#define SENSE24_FMT_EQUIPMENT   0x2
+#define SENSE24_FMT_CONTROLLER  0x3
+#define SENSE24_FMT_MISC        0xF
+/* basic sense response buffer layout */
+typedef struct senseData {
+    uint8_t status[3];
+    uint8_t res_count;
+    uint8_t phys_drive_id;
+    uint8_t low_cyl_addr;
+    uint8_t head_high_cyl_addr;
+    uint8_t fmt_msg;
+    uint64_t fmt_dependent_info[2];
+    uint8_t reserved;
+    uint8_t program_action_code;
+    uint16_t config_info;
+    uint8_t mcode_hicyl;
+    uint8_t cyl_head_addr[3];
+}  __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4))) SenseData;
+#define SENSE24_GET_FMT(sd)     (sd->fmt_msg & 0xF0 >> 4)
+#define SENSE24_GET_MSG(sd)     (sd->fmt_msg & 0x0F)
+#define unit_check(irb)     ((irb)->scsw.dstat & SCSW_DSTAT_UCHK)
  /* interruption response block */
  typedef struct irb {
      struct scsw scsw;
@@ -215,6 +330,9 @@ typedef struct irb {

  int enable_mss_facility(void);
  void enable_subchannel(SubChannelId schid);
+uint16_t cu_type(SubChannelId schid);
+void basic_sense(SubChannelId schid, SenseData *sd);
+int do_cio(SubChannelId schid, uint32_t ccw_addr, int fmt);

   * Some S390 specific IO instructions as inline
diff --git a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.h b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.h
index b39ee5d..11bce7d 100644
--- a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.h
+++ b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.h
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ typedef unsigned long long __u64;
  /* start.s */
  void disabled_wait(void);
  void consume_sclp_int(void);
+void consume_io_int(void);

  /* main.c */
  void panic(const char *string);
diff --git a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/start.S b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/start.S
index eb8d024..a48c38f 100644
--- a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/start.S
+++ b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/start.S
@@ -65,12 +65,32 @@ consume_sclp_int:
          /* prepare external call handler */
          larl %r1, external_new_code
          stg %r1, 0x1b8
-        larl %r1, external_new_mask
+        larl %r1, int_new_mask
          mvc 0x1b0(8),0(%r1)
          /* load enabled wait PSW */
          larl %r1, enabled_wait_psw
          lpswe 0(%r1)

+ * void consume_io_int(void)
+ *
+ * eats one I/O interrupt
+ */
+        .globl consume_io_int
+        /* enable I/O interrupts in cr0 */
+        stctg 6,6,0(15)
+        oi 4(15), 0xff
+        lctlg 6,6,0(15)
+        /* prepare external call handler */

shouldn't this be i/o call handler?

+        larl %r1, io_new_code
+        stg %r1, 0x1f8
+        larl %r1, int_new_mask
+        mvc 0x1f0(8),0(%r1)
+        /* load enabled wait PSW */
+        larl %r1, enabled_wait_psw
+        lpswe 0(%r1)
          /* disable service interrupts in cr0 */
          stctg 0,0,0(15)
@@ -78,10 +98,19 @@ external_new_code:
          lctlg 0,0,0(15)
          br 14

+        /* disable I/O interrupts in cr6 */
+        stctg 6,6,0(15)
+        ni 4(15), 0x00
+        lctlg 6,6,0(15)
+        br 14
          .align  8
          .quad   0x0002000180000000,0x0000000000000000
          .quad   0x0302000180000000,0x0000000000000000
          .quad   0x0000000180000000

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