On 11/20/18 1:06 PM, P J P wrote:
   Hello Stefan,

+-- On Tue, 20 Nov 2018, Stefan Berger wrote --+
| On 11/20/18 2:22 AM, P J P wrote:
| > From: Prasad J Pandit <p...@fedoraproject.org>
| >
| > While performing mmio device r/w operations, guest could set 'addr'
| > parameter such that 'locty' index exceeds TPM_TIS_NUM_LOCALITIES=5
| > after setting new 'locty' via 'tpm_tis_new_active_locality'.
| > Add check to avoid OOB access.
| Do you have test code that can set the memory to such a locality or is this
| purely hypothetical at the moment?

It's not hypothetical, reporter used tpm-emulator below

   -> https://github.com/PeterHuewe/tpm-emulator

with an old version of QEMU. I shared the details with Marc-Andre earlier

| We are registering this MMIO area:
|     memory_region_init_io(&s->mmio, OBJECT(s), &tpm_tis_memory_ops,
|                           s, "tpm-tis-mmio",
|                           TPM_TIS_NUM_LOCALITIES <<
| #define TPM_TIS_NUM_LOCALITIES      5
| #define TPM_TIS_LOCALITY_SHIFT      12
| --> 5 << 12 = 0x5000, thus we get memory locations [0 .. 0x4fff]
| We have the following code to get from an address to the locality:
| static uint8_t tpm_tis_locality_from_addr(hwaddr addr)
| {
|     return (uint8_t)((addr >> TPM_TIS_LOCALITY_SHIFT) & 0x7);
| }
| With this we would get localities of [0x0 .. 0x4] following the memory
| locations [0 .. 0x4fff] above.

   Right. IIUC mmio r/w routines called with 'addr' value like 0x07000 may set
'locty' to > TPM_TIS_NUM_LOCALITIES. Also in mmio_write at one point,

offsets >= 0x5000 would never reach the tpm_tis emulator. If 0x7000 was to reach it, why not 0x70000 also or any other offset ?

'active_locty' is set to TPM_TIS_NO_LOCALITY(=0xff), which may be used to set

There's no 'new_locty'. These variables are critical, so which one do you mean?

I audited all functions yesterday and my proposed patches are on the mailing list. The abort related ones seem most critical but they are all passed values they can handle. I do not think that an out-of-bounds access can occur with the current code.

I concur with Marc's comments that an 'assert(TPM_TIS_IS_VALID_LOCTY(locty));' on a preceding ' uint8_t locty = tpm_tis_locality_from_addr(addr);' isn't necessary unless something in the core code is seriously broken. tpm_tis covers address offsets of [0x0 .. 0x4fff] from its base address , which maps to localities 0..4.

    active_locty = TPM_TIS_NO_LOCALITY(=0xff);
    tpm_tis_new_active_locality(s, active_locty);

And this particular function can handle active_locty = 0xff:

static void tpm_tis_new_active_locality(TPMState *s, uint8_t new_active_locty)
    bool change = (s->active_locty != new_active_locty);
    bool is_seize;
    uint8_t mask;

    if (change && TPM_TIS_IS_VALID_LOCTY(s->active_locty)) {
        is_seize = TPM_TIS_IS_VALID_LOCTY(new_active_locty) &&
                   s->loc[new_active_locty].access & TPM_TIS_ACCESS_SEIZE;

        if (is_seize) {
            mask = ~(TPM_TIS_ACCESS_ACTIVE_LOCALITY);
        } else {
            mask = ~(TPM_TIS_ACCESS_ACTIVE_LOCALITY|
        /* reset flags on the old active locality */
        s->loc[s->active_locty].access &= mask;

        if (is_seize) {
            s->loc[s->active_locty].access |= TPM_TIS_ACCESS_BEEN_SEIZED;

    s->active_locty = new_active_locty;


    if (TPM_TIS_IS_VALID_LOCTY(new_active_locty)) {
        /* set flags on the new active locality */
        s->loc[new_active_locty].access |= TPM_TIS_ACCESS_ACTIVE_LOCALITY;
        s->loc[new_active_locty].access &= ~(TPM_TIS_ACCESS_REQUEST_USE |

    if (change) {
        tpm_tis_raise_irq(s, s->active_locty, TPM_TIS_INT_LOCALITY_CHANGED);

There's no out-of-bounds access possible in this function if new_active_locty = 0xff. tpm_tis_raise_irq is protecting itself.

 The function may set the active_locty to 0xff, meaning there's no active locality. From what I can see all functions using active_locty with 0xff afterwards can handle it.

tpm_tis_new_active_locality(TPMState *s, uint8_t new_active_locty)
    s->active_locty = new_active_locty;

Thank you.
Prasad J Pandit / Red Hat Product Security Team
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