> From: Kirti Wankhede [mailto:kwankh...@nvidia.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 4:40 AM
> - Defined MIGRATION region type and sub-type.
> - Defined VFIO device states during migration process.
> - Defined vfio_device_migration_info structure which will be placed at 0th
>   offset of migration region to get/set VFIO device related information.
>   Defined actions and members of structure usage for each action:
>     * To convey VFIO device state to be transitioned to.
>     * To get pending bytes yet to be migrated for VFIO device
>     * To ask driver to write data to migration region and return number of
> bytes
>       written in the region
>     * In migration resume path, user space app writes to migration region
> and
>       communicates it to vendor driver.
>     * Get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver from given start address
> Signed-off-by: Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com>
> Reviewed-by: Neo Jia <c...@nvidia.com>
> ---
>  linux-headers/linux/vfio.h | 130
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 130 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> index 3615a269d378..a6e45cb2cae2 100644
> --- a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> +++ b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> @@ -301,6 +301,10 @@ struct vfio_region_info_cap_type {
> +/* Migration region type and sub-type */
> +#define VFIO_REGION_TYPE_MIGRATION           (1 << 30)
> +#define VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION                (1)
> +
>  /*
>   * The MSIX mappable capability informs that MSIX data of a BAR can be
> mmapped
>   * which allows direct access to non-MSIX registers which happened to be
> within
> @@ -602,6 +606,132 @@ struct vfio_device_ioeventfd {
> + 16)
> +/**
> + * VFIO device states :
> + * VFIO User space application should set the device state to indicate
> vendor
> + * driver in which state the VFIO device should transitioned.
> + *   State when VFIO device is initialized but not yet running.
> + *   Transition VFIO device in running state, that is, user space application
> or
> + *   VM is active.
> + *   Transition VFIO device in migration setup state. This is used to prepare
> + *   VFIO device for migration while application or VM and vCPUs are still in
> + *   running state.
> + *   When VFIO user space application or VM is active and vCPUs are
> running,
> + *   transition VFIO device in pre-copy state.
> + *   When VFIO user space application or VM is stopped and vCPUs are
> halted,
> + *   transition VFIO device in stop-and-copy state.
> + *   When VFIO user space application has copied data provided by vendor
> driver.
> + *   This state is used by vendor driver to clean up all software state that
> was
> + *   setup during MIGRATION_SETUP state.
> + *   Transition VFIO device to resume state, that is, start resuming VFIO
> device
> + *   when user space application or VM is not running and vCPUs are
> halted.
> + *   When user space application completes iterations of providing device
> state
> + *   data, transition device in resume completed state.
> + *   Migration process failed due to some reason, transition device to
> failed
> + *   state. If migration process fails while saving at source, resume device
> at
> + *   source. If migration process fails while resuming application or VM at
> + *   destination, stop restoration at destination and resume at source.
> + *   User space application has cancelled migration process either for some
> + *   known reason or due to user's intervention. Transition device to
> Cancelled
> + *   state, that is, resume device state as it was during running state at
> + *   source.
> + */
> +
> +enum {
> +};

We discussed in KVM forum to define the interfaces around the state
itself, instead of around live migration flow. Looks this version doesn't 
move that way?

quote the summary from Alex, which though high level but simple
enough to demonstrate the idea:

Here we would define "registers" for putting the device in various 
states through the migration process, for example enabling dirty logging, 
suspending the device, resuming the device, direction of data flow 
through the device state area, etc.

based on that we just need much fewer states, e.g. {RUNNING, 
RUNNING_DIRTYLOG, STOPPED}. data flow direction doesn't need
to be a state. could just a flag in the region. Those are sufficient to 
enable vGPU live migration on Intel platform. nvidia or other vendors
may have more requirements, which could lead to addition of new
states - but again, they should be defined in a way not tied to migration


> +
> +/**
> + * Structure vfio_device_migration_info is placed at 0th offset of
> + * VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION region to get/set VFIO device
> related migration
> + * information.
> + *
> + * Action Set state:
> + *      To tell vendor driver the state VFIO device should be transitioned 
> to.
> + *      device_state [input] : User space app sends device state to vendor
> + *           driver on state change, the state to which VFIO device should be
> + *           transitioned to.
> + *
> + * Action Get pending bytes:
> + *      To get pending bytes yet to be migrated from vendor driver
> + *      pending.threshold_size [Input] : threshold of buffer in User space
> app.
> + *      pending.precopy_only [output] : pending data which must be
> migrated in
> + *          precopy phase or in stopped state, in other words - before target
> + *          user space application or VM start. In case of migration, this
> + *          indicates pending bytes to be transfered while application or VM
> or
> + *          vCPUs are active and running.
> + *      pending.compatible [output] : pending data which may be migrated
> any
> + *          time , either when application or VM is active and vCPUs are 
> active
> + *          or when application or VM is halted and vCPUs are halted.
> + *      pending.postcopy_only [output] : pending data which must be
> migrated in
> + *           postcopy phase or in stopped state, in other words - after 
> source
> + *           application or VM stopped and vCPUs are halted.
> + *      Sum of pending.precopy_only, pending.compatible and
> + *      pending.postcopy_only is the whole amount of pending data.
> + *
> + * Action Get buffer:
> + *      On this action, vendor driver should write data to migration region
> and
> + *      return number of bytes written in the region.
> + *      data.offset [output] : offset in the region from where data is 
> written.
> + *      data.size [output] : number of bytes written in migration buffer by
> + *          vendor driver.
> + *
> + * Action Set buffer:
> + *      In migration resume path, user space app writes to migration region
> and
> + *      communicates it to vendor driver with this action.
> + *      data.offset [Input] : offset in the region from where data is 
> written.
> + *      data.size [Input] : number of bytes written in migration buffer by
> + *          user space app.
> + *
> + * Action Get dirty pages bitmap:
> + *      Get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver from given start
> address.
> + *      dirty_pfns.start_addr [Input] : start address
> + *      dirty_pfns.total [Input] : Total pfn count from start_addr for which
> + *          dirty bitmap is requested
> + *      dirty_pfns.copied [Output] : pfn count for which dirty bitmap is
> copied
> + *          to migration region.
> + *      Vendor driver should copy the bitmap with bits set only for pages to
> be
> + *      marked dirty in migration region.
> + */
> +
> +struct vfio_device_migration_info {
> +        __u32 device_state;         /* VFIO device state */
> +        struct {
> +            __u64 precopy_only;
> +            __u64 compatible;
> +            __u64 postcopy_only;
> +            __u64 threshold_size;
> +        } pending;
> +        struct {
> +            __u64 offset;           /* offset */
> +            __u64 size;             /* size */
> +        } data;
> +        struct {
> +            __u64 start_addr;
> +            __u64 total;
> +            __u64 copied;
> +        } dirty_pfns;
> +} __attribute__((packed));
> +
>  /* -------- API for Type1 VFIO IOMMU -------- */
>  /**
> --
> 2.7.0

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