On 29 October 2018 at 15:19, Stefan Berger <stef...@linux.ibm.com> wrote:
> From: Stefan Berger <stef...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> This pull request fixes a couple of TPM support related issues,
> such as full initialization of a variable to quiet down valgrind,
> a possible race in the TPM related test cases and marking test
> cases as skipped if swtpm was not found in PATH.
>    Stefan
> The following changes since commit a4d710251fa5aa9ec26de4626f11c78500195d12:
>   Merge remote-tracking branch 
> 'remotes/berrange/tags/qcrypto-next-pull-request' into staging (2018-10-24 
> 22:08:42 +0100)
> are available in the Git repository at:
>   git://github.com/stefanberger/qemu-tpm.git tags/pull-tpm-2018-10-29-1
> for you to fetch changes up to f9da599490730cf0c3016f15225d7f1ee15bec75:
>   tpm: Zero-init structure to avoid uninitialized variables in valgrind log 
> (2018-10-27 10:33:18 -0400)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Marc-André Lureau (2):
>       tests/tpm: fix tpm_util_swtpm_has_tpm2()
>       tests/tpm: mark swtpm test as skipped instead of successful
> Stefan Berger (3):
>       docs: tpm: Mention implemented TPM CRB interface emulation and specs
>       MAINTAINERS: Change my email address to the new domain
>       tpm: Zero-init structure to avoid uninitialized variables in valgrind 
> log

Hi; this gives some test failures (all hosts):

TEST: tests/tpm-crb-swtpm-test... (pid=305)
  /i386/tpm/crb-swtpm/test:                                            FAIL
GTester: last random seed: R02Sf628ca48da88252a6b95465fef3b855f
  /i386/tpm/crb-swtpm-migration/test:                                  FAIL
GTester: last random seed: R02Sf628ca48da88252a6b95465fef3b855f
FAIL: tests/tpm-crb-swtpm-test
TEST: tests/tpm-crb-test... (pid=311)
  /i386/tpm-crb/test:                                                  OK
PASS: tests/tpm-crb-test
TEST: tests/tpm-tis-swtpm-test... (pid=324)
  /i386/tpm/tis-swtpm/test:                                            FAIL
GTester: last random seed: R02Sca4f303959770d4ca9f8f12b784dba0d
  /i386/tpm/tis-swtpm-migration/test:                                  FAIL
GTester: last random seed: R02Sca4f303959770d4ca9f8f12b784dba0d
FAIL: tests/tpm-tis-swtpm-test
TEST: tests/tpm-tis-test... (pid=331)
  /i386/tpm-tis/test_check_localities:                                 OK
  /i386/tpm-tis/test_check_access_reg:                                 OK
  /i386/tpm-tis/test_check_access_reg_seize:                           OK
  /i386/tpm-tis/test_check_access_reg_release:                         OK
  /i386/tpm-tis/test_check_transmit:                                   OK
PASS: tests/tpm-tis-test

and a compile failure on OSX:
/Users/pm215/src/qemu-for-merges/hw/tpm/tpm_emulator.c:161:21: error:
suggest braces around initialization of subobject
    ptm_loc loc = { 0 };

(what you want here is just "ptm_loc loc = {};" -- the "{ 0 }" syntax
is the C standard one but not all compilers can handle it without warnings
if the first member in the struct happens to be a substruct.)

-- PMM

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