On 02/28/2011 06:01 AM, Anthony Liguori wrote:

It would be a pity to divorce the monitor from chardevs, they're really flexible.

Couple considerations:

1) chardevs don't support multiple simultaneous connections. I view this as a blocker for QMP.

What do you mean by that? Something like ,server which keeps on listening after it a connection is established?

,server won't allow multiple simultaneous connections. CharDriverStates simply don't have a connection semantic. There can only be one thing connected to it at a time. This is why we don't use CharDriverState for VNC.

I meant an extension to ,server that keeps on listening.

We should have another abstraction for connection based backend. I'll take a go at this when I'm ready to try to get those patches in.

Shouldn't each new connection return a chardev?

Just to be clear though, there is a CharDriverState version of the new QMP server. This would be a second option for creating a QMP server and it takes a different command line sytnax.

2) Because chardevs don't support multiple connections, we can't reasonably hook on things like connect/disconnect which means that fd's sent via SCM_RIGHTs have to be handled in a very special way. By going outside of the chardev layer, we can let fd's via SCM_RIGHTS queue up naturally and have getfd/setfd refer to the fd at the top of the queue. It makes it quite a bit easier to work with (I believe Daniel had actually requested this a while ago).

I really don't follow... what's the connection between SCM_RIGHTS and multiple connections?

Monitors have a single fd. That fd is associated with the monitor and lives beyond the length of the connection to the monitor (recall that chardevs don't have a notion of connection life cycle). This means if a management tool forgets to do a closefd on an unused fd, there's no easy way for QEMU to automatically clean that up. IOW, a crashed management tool == fd leak in QEMU.

I guess we could add a close() event to chardev?

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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