we cannot remove the call to gen_arith() in decode_RV32_64G() since it
is used to translate multiply instructions.

Signed-off-by: Bastian Koppelmann <kbast...@mail.uni-paderborn.de>
Signed-off-by: Peer Adelt <peer.ad...@hni.uni-paderborn.de>
v1 -> v2:
    - RISCV32 now returns false instead of raising an exception
    - shift translators now also use gen_arithm_imm()

 target/riscv/insn32.decode              |  36 +++++
 target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvi.inc.c | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 target/riscv/translate.c                |   9 --
 3 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/riscv/insn32.decode b/target/riscv/insn32.decode
index badd1d9216..cb7622e223 100644
--- a/target/riscv/insn32.decode
+++ b/target/riscv/insn32.decode
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
 %rs1       15:5
 %rd        7:5
+%sh6    20:6
+%sh5    20:5
 # immediates:
 %imm_i    20:s12
 %imm_s    25:s7 7:5
@@ -30,14 +33,19 @@
 # Argument sets:
 &branch    imm rs2 rs1
+&shift     shamt rs1 rd
 # Formats 32:
+@r       .......   ..... ..... ... ..... .......                   %rs2 %rs1 
 @i       ............    ..... ... ..... .......         imm=%imm_i     %rs1 
 @b       .......   ..... ..... ... ..... ....... &branch imm=%imm_b %rs2 %rs1
 @s       .......   ..... ..... ... ..... .......         imm=%imm_s %rs2 %rs1
 @u       ....................      ..... .......         imm=%imm_u          
 @j       ....................      ..... .......         imm=%imm_j          
+@sh6     ......  ...... .....  ... ..... ....... &shift  shamt=%sh6      %rs1 
+@sh5     .......  ..... .....  ... ..... ....... &shift  shamt=%sh5      %rs1 
 # *** RV32I Base Instruction Set ***
 lui      ....................       ..... 0110111 @u
 auipc    ....................       ..... 0010111 @u
@@ -57,8 +65,36 @@ lhu      ............     ..... 101 ..... 0000011 @i
 sb       .......  .....   ..... 000 ..... 0100011 @s
 sh       .......  .....   ..... 001 ..... 0100011 @s
 sw       .......  .....   ..... 010 ..... 0100011 @s
+addi     ............     ..... 000 ..... 0010011 @i
+slti     ............     ..... 010 ..... 0010011 @i
+sltiu    ............     ..... 011 ..... 0010011 @i
+xori     ............     ..... 100 ..... 0010011 @i
+ori      ............     ..... 110 ..... 0010011 @i
+andi     ............     ..... 111 ..... 0010011 @i
+slli     000000 ......    ..... 001 ..... 0010011 @sh6
+srli     000000 ......    ..... 101 ..... 0010011 @sh6
+srai     010000 ......    ..... 101 ..... 0010011 @sh6
+add      0000000 .....    ..... 000 ..... 0110011 @r
+sub      0100000 .....    ..... 000 ..... 0110011 @r
+sll      0000000 .....    ..... 001 ..... 0110011 @r
+slt      0000000 .....    ..... 010 ..... 0110011 @r
+sltu     0000000 .....    ..... 011 ..... 0110011 @r
+xor      0000000 .....    ..... 100 ..... 0110011 @r
+srl      0000000 .....    ..... 101 ..... 0110011 @r
+sra      0100000 .....    ..... 101 ..... 0110011 @r
+or       0000000 .....    ..... 110 ..... 0110011 @r
+and      0000000 .....    ..... 111 ..... 0110011 @r
 # *** RV64I Base Instruction Set (in addition to RV32I) ***
 lwu      ............   ..... 110 ..... 0000011 @i
 ld       ............   ..... 011 ..... 0000011 @i
 sd       ....... .....  ..... 011 ..... 0100011 @s
+addiw    ............   ..... 000 ..... 0011011 @i
+slliw    0000000 .....  ..... 001 ..... 0011011 @sh5
+srliw    0000000 .....  ..... 101 ..... 0011011 @sh5
+sraiw    0100000 .....  ..... 101 ..... 0011011 @sh5
+addw     0000000 .....  ..... 000 ..... 0111011 @r
+subw     0100000 .....  ..... 000 ..... 0111011 @r
+sllw     0000000 .....  ..... 001 ..... 0111011 @r
+srlw     0000000 .....  ..... 101 ..... 0111011 @r
+sraw     0100000 .....  ..... 101 ..... 0111011 @r
diff --git a/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvi.inc.c 
index 2c8ecff76f..e5a67e64cb 100644
--- a/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvi.inc.c
+++ b/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvi.inc.c
@@ -160,3 +160,184 @@ static bool trans_sd(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sd *a, 
uint32_t insn)
     return false;
+static bool trans_addi(DisasContext *ctx, arg_addi *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_ADDI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_slti(DisasContext *ctx, arg_slti *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLTI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sltiu(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sltiu *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLTIU, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_xori(DisasContext *ctx, arg_xori *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_XORI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_ori(DisasContext *ctx, arg_ori *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_ORI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_andi(DisasContext *ctx, arg_andi *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_ANDI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_slli(DisasContext *ctx, arg_slli *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLLI, a->rd, a->rs1, a->shamt);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_srli(DisasContext *ctx, arg_srli *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SHIFT_RIGHT_I, a->rd, a->rs1, a->shamt);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_srai(DisasContext *ctx, arg_srai *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SHIFT_RIGHT_I, a->rd, a->rs1, a->shamt | 
+    return true;
+static bool trans_add(DisasContext *ctx, arg_add *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_ADD, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sub(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sub *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SUB, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sll(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sll *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLL, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_slt(DisasContext *ctx, arg_slt *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLT, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sltu(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sltu *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLTU, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_xor(DisasContext *ctx, arg_xor *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_XOR, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_srl(DisasContext *ctx, arg_srl *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SRL, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sra(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sra *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SRA, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_or(DisasContext *ctx, arg_or *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_OR, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_and(DisasContext *ctx, arg_and *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_AND, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_addiw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_addiw *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_ADDIW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->imm);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_slliw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_slliw *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLLIW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->shamt);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_srliw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_srliw *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SHIFT_RIGHT_IW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->shamt);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sraiw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sraiw *a, uint32_t insn)
+    gen_arith_imm(ctx, OPC_RISC_SHIFT_RIGHT_IW , a->rd, a->rs1,
+                  a->shamt | 0x400);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_addw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_addw *a, uint32_t insn)
+#if !defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
+    return false;
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_ADDW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_subw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_subw *a, uint32_t insn)
+#if !defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
+    return false;
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SUBW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sllw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sllw *a, uint32_t insn)
+#if !defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
+    return false;
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SLLW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_srlw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_srlw *a, uint32_t insn)
+#if !defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
+    return false;
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SRLW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_sraw(DisasContext *ctx, arg_sraw *a, uint32_t insn)
+#if !defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
+    return false;
+    gen_arith(ctx, OPC_RISC_SRAW, a->rd, a->rs1, a->rs2);
+    return true;
diff --git a/target/riscv/translate.c b/target/riscv/translate.c
index 6b59dbb373..3e296a2627 100644
--- a/target/riscv/translate.c
+++ b/target/riscv/translate.c
@@ -1701,15 +1701,6 @@ static void decode_RV32_64G(CPURISCVState *env, 
DisasContext *ctx)
     imm = GET_IMM(ctx->opcode);
     switch (op) {
-#if defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
-        if (rd == 0) {
-            break; /* NOP */
-        }
-        gen_arith_imm(ctx, MASK_OP_ARITH_IMM(ctx->opcode), rd, rs1, imm);
-        break;
     case OPC_RISC_ARITH:
 #if defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
     case OPC_RISC_ARITH_W:

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