On 12/10/18 15:51, Max Reitz wrote:
On 31.08.18 20:16, Liam Merwick wrote:
The function block_job_get() may return NULL so before dereferencing
the 'job' pointer in img_commit() it should be checked.
It may not because the job yields before executing anything (if it
started successfully; but otherwise, commit_active_start() would have
returned an error). Therefore, I think the better solution is to
assert(job) here.
Switched patch to use assert()
(It would be a serious bug if block_job_get() returned NULL here, so
it's definitely not something we can be quiet about. But this patch
makes it so the user doesn't even notice.)
Signed-off-by: Liam Merwick <liam.merw...@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: Darren Kenny <darren.ke...@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: Mark Kanda <mark.ka...@oracle.com>
qemu-img.c | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/qemu-img.c b/qemu-img.c
index b12f4cd19b0a..51fe09bd08ed 100644
--- a/qemu-img.c
+++ b/qemu-img.c
@@ -1029,6 +1029,9 @@ static int img_commit(int argc, char **argv)
job = block_job_get("commit");
+ if (job == NULL) {
+ goto unref_backing;
+ }
run_block_job(job, &local_err);
if (local_err) {
goto unref_backing;