>> Inside object_unparent(), the call flow of unrealize steps is defined.
>> By moving the "real unplug" part into "do_unplug" and therefor
>> essentially calling it when unrealizing, we could generalize this for
>> all unplug handlers.
>> I think, order of realization and therefore the order of hotplug handler
>> calls is strictly defined already. Same applies to unrealization if we
>> would factor the essential parts out into e.g. "do_unplug". That order
>> is strictly encoded in device_set_realized() and bus_set_realized().
> I don't see any benefits in adding do_unplug() in this case,
> it would essentially replace hotplug_handler_unplug() in event origin
> point with object_unparent() and renaming unplug() to do_unplug().
> As result object_unparent() will start do more than unparenting and
> destroying the device and a point where unplug originates becomes
> poorly documented/lost for a reader among other object_unparent() calls.
> hotplug handlers are controller businesses and not the device one so
> hiding (generalizing) it inside of device.realize() doesn't look
> the right this to do, I'd rather keep these things separate as much
> as possible.

As long as we find another way to make this work I am happy. What I
propose here works (and in my view does not violate any concepts, it
just extends hotunplug handlers to device hierarchies getting
unplugged). But I also understand the potential problems you think we
could have in the future. Let's see if we can make your suggestion work.

>>> If I remember right, the suggested and partially implemented idea
>>> in one of your previous series was to override default hotplug
>>> handler with a machine one for plugged in device [1][2].
>>> However impl. wasn't exactly what I've suggested since it matches
>>> all memory-devices.
>>> 1) qdev: let machine hotplug handler to override bus hotplug handler
>>> 2) pc: route all memory devices through  the machine hotplug handler
>>> So lets reiterate, we have TYPE_VIRTIO_PMEM and TYPE_VIRTIO_PMEM_PCI
>>> the former implements TYPE_MEMORY_DEVICE interface and the later is
>>> a wrapper PCI/whatnot device shim.
>>> So when you plug that composite device you'd get 2 independent
>>> plug hooks called, which makes it unrelable/broken design.  
>> Can you elaborate why this is broken? I don't consider the
>> realize/unrealize order broken, and that is where we plug into. But yes,
>> we logically plug a device hierarchy and therefore get a separate
>> hotplug handler calls.
> 1st:
> consider we have a composite device A that contains B explicitly
> manged by A (un)realizefn(). Now if we use your model of independent
> callbacks we have only following fixed plug flow possible:
>    a>realize()
>       ::device_set_realized()
>          a:realizefn()
>              b->realize()
>                ::device_set_realized()
>                    b:realizefn()
>                    hotplug_handler_plug(b) => b_hotplug_callback
>              ...
>          hotplug_handler_plug(a) => a_hotplug_callback
> that limits composite device wiring to external components to
> the only possible order

That why we have pre_plug, plug and post_plug handlers for I guess ...

>   1st: b_hotplug_callback() + 2nd: a_hotplug_callback
> and other way around for unplug()
> That however might not be order we need to do wiring/teardown though,
> depending on composite device and controllers it might be necessary to
> call callbacks in opposite order or mix both into one to do the wiring
> correctly. And to do that we would need drop (move) b_hotplug_callback()
> into a_hotplug_callback(), i.e. make it the way I've originally suggested.
> hotplug callback call flow might be different in child_bus case
> (well, it's different in current code) and it might change in future
> (ex: I'm looking into dropping hotplug_handler_post_plug() and
> moving hotplug_handler_plug() to a later point to address the same
> issue as commits 25e89788/8449bcf94 but without post_plug callback).

.. however that sounds like a good idea, I was wondering the same why we
actually need the post_plug handler.

> It's more robust for devices do not depend heavily on specific order
> and define its plug sequence explicitly outside of device core.
> This way it won't break apart when device core code is amended. 
> 2nd:
> from user point of view (and API) when composite device is created
> we are dealing with 1 device (even if it's composed of many others internally,
> it's not an external user business). The same should apply to hotplug
> handlers. i.e. wire that device using whatever controllers are necessary
> but do not jump through layers inside of device from external code
> which hotplug handlers are.

It somehow looks strange to have plug handler scattered all over
device_set_realize(), while unplug handlers are at a completely
different place and not involved in unrealize(). This makes one think
that hotplugging a device hierarchy works, while unplugging does
currently not work.

>>> My next question would be why TYPE_VIRTIO_PMEM_PCI can't implement 
>>> TYPE_MEMORY_DEVICE interface and TYPE_VIRTIO_PMEM be a simple VIRTIO
>>> device without any hotplug hooks (so shim device would proxy all
>>> memory-device logic to its child)?
>>> /huh, then you don't need get_device_id() as well/  
>> I had the same idea while going through different options. Then we would
>> have to forward all calls directly to the child. We cannot reuse
>> TYPE_MEMORY_DEVICE, so we would either need a new interface or define
>> the functions we want manually for each such device.
> for all I care parent device could alias out its memory-device api to a child
> or just outright access/call child internal APIs/members to do the job
> (that's what virtio devices often do), but that's the price to pay for
> ability to change type of the end device.
>>> That way using [2] and [1 - modulo it should match only concrete type]
>>> machine would be able to override hotplug handlers for TYPE_VIRTIO_PMEM_PCI
>>> and explicitly call machine + pci hotplug handlers in necessary order.
>>> flow would look like:
>>>   [acpi|shcp|native pci-e eject]->  
>>>        hotplug_ctrl = qdev_get_hotplug_handler(dev);
>>>        hotplug_handler_unplug(hotplug_ctrl, dev, &local_err); ->
>>>             machine_unplug()
>>>                machine_virtio_pci_pmem_cb(): 
>>>                   // we now that's device has 2 stage hotplug handlers,
>>>                   // so we can arrange hotplug sequence in necessary order
>>>                   hotplug_ctrl2 = qdev_get_bus_hotplug_handler(dev);
>>>                   //then do unplug in whatever order that's correct,
>>>                   // I'd assume tear down/stop PCI device first, flushing
>>>                   // command virtio command queues and that unplug memory 
>>> itself.
>>>                   hotplug_handler_unplug(hotplug_ctrl2, dev, &local_err);
>>>                   memory_device_unplug()
>>> Similar logic applies to device_add/device_del paths, with a difference that
>>> origin point would be monitor/qmp.  
>> Let's see. User calls device_del(). That triggers an unplug_request. For
>> virtio-pmem, there is nothing to do.
> virtio-pmem is not a concrete device though, it's just internal thingy
> inside of concrete device, the actual virtio-pmem-pci device is associated
> with a pci controller that notifies guest about unplug request using
> whatever hotplug method was configured for the controller (shpc/native 
> pci-e/acpi).
>> eject hook is called by the guest. For now we do an object_unparent.
>> This would now be wrong. We would have to call a proper hotplug handler
>> chain (I guess that's the refactoring you mentioned above).
> it works for typical pci devices but it won't work for composite
> ones that need access to controllers/resources not provided by
> it's direct parent. At minimum it should be object_unparent() wrapped
> into unplug() callback  callback set for the pci bus if we'd look for shallow
> conversion. But I haven't looked in details...

I will do that during the next weeks. I'll resend the unrelated memory
device changes for now.

>>> Point is to have a single explicit callback chain that applies to a concrete
>>> device type. That way if ever change an ordering of calling plug callbacks
>>> in qdev core, the expected for a device callback sequence would still
>>> remain in place ensuring that device (un)plugged as expected.  
>> I haven't tested yet if this will work, but I can give it a try. I
>> learned that in QEMU things often seem easier than they actually are :)
>>> Also it should be easier to trace for a reader, than 2 disjoint callbacks of
>>> composite device (which only know to author of that device and then only
>>> till he/she remembers how that thing works).  
>> In my view it makes things slightly more complicated, because you have
>> to follow a hotplug handler chain that plugs devices via proxy devices.
>> (e.g. passing through TYPE_MEMORY_DEVICE calls to a child, and therefore
>> essentially hotplugging the child), instead of only watching out for
>> which device get's hotplugged and finding exactly one hotplug handler.
>> Of course, for a device hierarchy, multiple devices get logically
>> hotplugged.
> it's child only from internal point of view (in virtio design it's
> virtio interface to share logic between different transports),
> users don't really care about it.
> It's job of proxy to forward data between external/internal world,
> unfortunately adds more boilerplate but that's how virtio has been
> designed.
> As for following explicitly defined hotplug handlers chain,
> it's explict and relevant parts are close to each other so it's easier
> to understand what's going on, than trying to figure out implicit
> callbacks sequence and how they are related.

So to summarize, you clearly favor a hotplug chain on a single device
over multiple hotplug handlers for separate devices in a device hierarchy.



David / dhildenb

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