0.14 recap
- keeping schedule on wiki was helpful
- changelog was helpful
- testing (could even more emphasis could be improved)
- -rc cycles
  - -rc2 and final release just hours

- tentative date July 1st
- qapi
- qed features
- virtagent?
  - depends on whether to terminate in qemu vs external
    - terminating w/in qemu is close to feature complete
    - using QMP (kinda, QObject -> JSON marshalling, still use HTTP)
    - QMP is not bi-directional XMLRPC, one way with event posting
    - XMLRPC + server logic add to the basic QEMU side attack surface
      - splitting out to external process
    - state associated with guest in external process complicates live migration
      - e.g. handling in-process command in server
      - guest client reconnects during migration
      - can virtagent features be stateless 
    - Avi's favorite Lua based extension language coming RSN ;)
  - let's use copy and paste as a concrete example
    - usecase to help define the requirements and expose
    - Jes will do this, make concrete counter proposal to hosting
      virtagent server in qemu
  - splitting QEMU into more modular components is a large architectural
    step, but better step

Block format acceptance
- qcow3 wiki starting

GSoC projects
- only 3 so far, mentoring organization applications Feb 28th
  - can update app 
- please add your thoughts here so that we can have a successful
- Luiz will send out a note as more explicit reminder

gpxe vs ipxe
- gpxe still stagnate
- ipxe accepting patches (e.g. igbvf)
- perhaps switch in 0.15 (Alex take a look)

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