On 02/18/2011 09:27 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
> On 02/18/2011 12:37 PM, Andreas Niederl wrote:
>> So I'm guessing that this library is not publicly available right now?
> Not via the fedora repository at least. So yum install does not work, yet.

Is the source code available in a public version control repository?
If so, could you please provide a URI to it?

>> Is this backend meant for integration into QEMU or does it run as
>> separate process?
> The backend is meant for integration in Qemu. It runs as a thread.

I see.
Has there already been an effort to integrate this with the main project?

>> How/Where could I integrate a passthrough backend like the one in this
>> patch series?
> It's possible via similar mechanisms as you have, just the interface is
> bigger and main code calls into the interface at different times. I'd
> need to share the code with you.

I'd like to have a look at it.

>> The polling code isn't really necessary for the host backend, I left it
>> there just in case it would be needed by such a socket interface as is
>> used in the Xen fork.
> I don't think it's necessary to have it all. In the new code, the 
> frontend delivers a request to the backend and provides a callback
> function for delivering the response back once received.

Sounds good.

>>> It would certainly be desirable if your backend and mine could be
>>> accommodate.
>> Of course.
> Let's see how we do this.

That would be great.


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