Hi Stefan, I applied FVD's fully automated testing tool to the VDI block device driver and found several bugs. Some bugs are easy to fix whereas others need some thoughts on design. Therefore, I thought you might be able to handle the bugs better than me. These bugs occur only if I/O errors or aio_cancel are injected, and hence are not that critical. If VDI is meant for read-only image format conversion, then these bugs are "ok". If write is enabled in VDI, these bugs may corrupt data. FVD's testing tool discovered these bugs because it automatically injects errors and race conditions, and performs exhaustive randomized tests. Below is a list of the bugs.
Bug 1. The most serious bug is caused by race condition in updating a new bmap entry in memory and on disk. Considering the following operation sequence. O1: VM issues a write to sector X O2: VDI allocates a new bmap entry and updates in-memory s->bmap O3: VDI writes data to disk O4: The disk I/O for writing sector X fails O5: VDI reports error to VM and returns. Note that the bmap entry is updated in memory, but not persisted on disk. Now consider another write that immediately follows: P1: VM issues a write to sector X+1, which locates in the same block as the previously used sector X. P2: s->bmap already has one entry for the block, and hence VDI writes data directly without persisting the new s->bmap entry on disk. P3: The write disk I/O succeeds P4: VDI report success to VM, but the bitmap entry is still not persisted on disk. Now suppose the VM powers off gracefully (i.e., the QEMU process quits) and reboots. The second write to sector X+1, which is reported as finished successfully, is simply lost, because the corresponding in-memory s->bmap entry is never persisted on disk. This is exactly what FVD's testing tool discovers. After the block device is closed and then re-opened, disk content verification fails. This is just one example of the problem. Race condition plus host crash also causes problems. Consider another example below. Q1: VM issues a write to sector X Q2: VDI allocates a new bmap entry and updates in-memory s->bmap Q3: VDI writes sector X to disk and waits for the callback Q4: VM issues a write to another sector X+1, which is in the same block as sector X. Q5: VDI sees the bitmap entry in s->bmap is already allocated, and writes sector X+1 to disk. Q6: Write to sector X+1 finishes, and VDI's callback is invoked. Q7: VDI acknowledges to the VM the completion of writing sector X+1 Q8: After observing the completion of writing sector X+1, VM issues a flush to ensure that sector X+1 is persisted on disk. Q9: VDI finishes the flush and acknowledge the completion of the operation. Q10: ... (some other arbitrary operations, but the disk I/O for writing sector X is still not finished....) Q11: The host crashes Now the new bitmap entry is not persisted on disk, while both writing to sector X+1 and the flush has been acknowledged as finished. Sector X+1 is lost, which is a corruption. This problem exists even if it uses O_DSYNC. The root cause of the problem is that, if a request updates in-memory s->bmap, another request that sees this update assumes that the update is already persisted on disk, which is not. Bug 2: Similar to the bugs the FVD testing tool found for QCOW2, there are several cases of the code below on failure handling path without setting error return code, which mistakenly reports failure as success. This mistake is caught by FVD when doing image content validation. if (acb->hd_aiocb == NULL) { /* missing ret = -EIO; */ goto done; } Bug 3: Similar to the bugs the FVD testing tool found for QCOW2, vdi_aio_cancel does not perform a complete clean up and there are several related bugs. First, memory buffer is not freed, acb->orig_buf and acb->block_buffer. Second, acb->bh is not cancelled. Third, vdi_aio_setup() does not initialize acb->bh to NULL so that when a request acb is cancelled and then later reused for another request, its acb->bh != NULL and the new request fails in vdi_schedule_bh(). This is caught by FVD's testing tool, when it observes that no I/O failure is injected but VDI reports a failed I/O request, which indicates a bug in the driver. Regards, ChunQiang (CQ) Tang Homepage: http://www.research.ibm.com/people/c/ctang