On 21 August 2018 at 11:03, Steffen Görtz <m...@steffen-goertz.de> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> object_property_set_bool(soc, true, "realized", &error_abort);>>
>>> -    armv7m_load_kernel(ARM_CPU(first_cpu), machine->kernel_filename,
>>> -            NRF51_SOC(soc)->flash_size);
>>> +    armv7m_load_kernel(ARM_CPU(first_cpu), machine->kernel_filename, 0x00);
>> Hmm. Using 0x00 here doesn't seem ideal.
> i agree. The actual sizes for RAM/ROM are calculated in the SOC at the moment.
> I do not really know what impact max_sz has here. I could set the it to the
> maximum code size defined in the memory map of the NRF51 series. Another way 
> would be
> to lift the calculation of the ROM size from the SOC to the Board. What would 
> you propose?

I think we need to specify a value somehow, otherwise we
won't be able to load raw images (which I think are the only
ones where we enforce the limit value). You could just use
the largest possible size, I suppose.

>>> +#define PAGE_SIZE       1024
>> Page size isn't really an obvious concept for M profile.
> Flash pages are referred to here, not MMU pages. This constant is moved and 
> renamed to NRF51_PAGE_SIZE in the upcoming revision. Would you suggest 
> another name or can with stick with this?

I guess NRF51_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE would be a little clearer ?

-- PMM

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