On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 10:36:14AM -0400, Phillip Susi wrote:
> I've been reading up here:
> http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-1.html
> And man, what a mess keyboards are!  Worse than floppy controllers.
> According to that site, the scan code for \ should be 0x2b, so why does
> xev say the keycode is 51?  Is keycode something else entirely from scan
> codes and keysyms?  If so how can I see the scan code?

0x2b is 43 in hex.

xev reports the Xorg scancode, which is the same as the XT/AT-set1
scancodes, with an offset of 8 added

IOW, 51 from xev does actually match 0x2b from XT scancode set

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