On 08/17/2018 06:16 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:

+2.7 QGA Synchronization
     When using QGA, an additional synchronization feature is built
-the protocol.  If the Client sends a raw 0xFF sentinel byte (not valid
-JSON), then the Server will reset its state and discard all pending
-data prior to the sentinel.  Conversely, if the Client makes use of
-the 'guest-sync-delimited' command, the Server will send a raw 0xFF
-sentinel byte prior to its response, to aid the Client in discarding
-any data prior to the sentinel.
+the protocol. If the Client makes use of the 'guest-sync-delimited'
+command, the Server will send a raw 0xFF sentinel byte prior to its
+response, to aid the Client in discarding any data prior to the

Maybe worth mentioning "including error messages reported about any
lexical errors received prior to the guest-sync-delimited command"

       3. QMP Examples

What about:

     2.7 QGA Synchronization

     When a client connects to QGA over a transport lacking proper
     connection semantics such as virtio-serial, QGA may have read partial
     input from a previous client.  The client needs to force QGA's parser
     into known-good state using the previous section's technique.
     Moreover, the client may receive output a previous client didn't read.
     To help with skipping that output, QGA provides the
     'guest-sync-delimited' command.  Refer to its documentation for

That works for me.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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