On 02/04/2011 12:18 AM, Amit Shah wrote:
Document the parameters for the virtserialport and virtioconsole


$ ./x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -device virtserialport,?
virtserialport.nr=uint32, The 'number' for the port for \
predictable port numbers. Use this to spawn ports if you \
plan to migrate the guest.

virtserialport.chardev=chr, The chardev to associate this port with.

virtserialport.name=string, Name for the port that's exposed to \
the guest for port discovery.

Signed-off-by: Amit Shah<amit.s...@redhat.com>
Acked-by: Markus Armbruster<arm...@redhat.com>
  hw/virtio-console.c |   17 ++++++++++-------
  hw/virtio-serial.h  |   13 +++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/virtio-console.c b/hw/virtio-console.c
index a32e628..29e5600 100644
--- a/hw/virtio-console.c
+++ b/hw/virtio-console.c
@@ -98,11 +98,13 @@ static VirtIOSerialPortInfo virtconsole_info = {
      .init          = virtconsole_initfn,
      .exit          = virtconsole_exitfn,
      .qdev.props = (Property[]) {
-        DEFINE_PROP_UINT8("is_console", VirtConsole, port.is_console, 1, ""),
+        DEFINE_PROP_UINT8("is_console", VirtConsole, port.is_console, 1,
+                          PROP_VIRTSERIAL_IS_CONSOLE_DESC),
          DEFINE_PROP_UINT32("nr", VirtConsole, port.id, VIRTIO_CONSOLE_BAD_ID,
-                           ""),
-        DEFINE_PROP_CHR("chardev", VirtConsole, chr, ""),
-        DEFINE_PROP_STRING("name", VirtConsole, port.name, ""),
+                           PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NR_DESC),
+        DEFINE_PROP_CHR("chardev", VirtConsole, chr, PROP_VIRTSERIAL_CHR_DESC),
+        DEFINE_PROP_STRING("name", VirtConsole, port.name,
+                           PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NAME_DESC),
@@ -129,9 +131,10 @@ static VirtIOSerialPortInfo virtserialport_info = {
      .exit          = virtconsole_exitfn,
      .qdev.props = (Property[]) {
          DEFINE_PROP_UINT32("nr", VirtConsole, port.id, VIRTIO_CONSOLE_BAD_ID,
-                           ""),
-        DEFINE_PROP_CHR("chardev", VirtConsole, chr, ""),
-        DEFINE_PROP_STRING("name", VirtConsole, port.name, ""),
+                           PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NR_DESC),
+        DEFINE_PROP_CHR("chardev", VirtConsole, chr, PROP_VIRTSERIAL_CHR_DESC),
+        DEFINE_PROP_STRING("name", VirtConsole, port.name,
+                           PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NAME_DESC),
diff --git a/hw/virtio-serial.h b/hw/virtio-serial.h
index a308196..2c5e336 100644
--- a/hw/virtio-serial.h
+++ b/hw/virtio-serial.h
@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ struct virtio_console_control {

  /* == In-qemu interface == */

+#define PROP_VIRTSERIAL_IS_CONSOLE_DESC                                 \
+    "An hvc console will be spawned in the guest if this is set."
+#define PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NR_DESC                                         \
+    "The 'number' for the port for predictable port numbers. Use this to " \
+    "spawn ports if you plan to migrate the guest."
+#define PROP_VIRTSERIAL_CHR_DESC                \
+    "The chardev to associate this port with."
+#define PROP_VIRTSERIAL_NAME_DESC                \
+    "Name for the port that's exposed to the guest for port discovery."

Why are you using a #define instead of inlining the docs?


Anthony Liguori

  typedef struct VirtIOSerial VirtIOSerial;
  typedef struct VirtIOSerialBus VirtIOSerialBus;
  typedef struct VirtIOSerialPort VirtIOSerialPort;

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