On 19 July 2018 at 04:11, Jia He <hejia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In scripts/arch-run.bash of kvm-unit-tests, it will check the qemu
> output log with:
> if [ -z "$(echo "$errors" | grep -vi warning)" ]; then
> Thus without the warning prefix, all of the test fail.
> Since it is not unrecoverable error in kvm_arm_its_reset for
> current implementation, downgrading the report from error to
> warn makes sense.

I think the counterargument would be that this should report
an error, because you just asked the device to do something
that it doesn't support (ie to do a clean reset). Since the
device isn't going to behave correctly, the tests should fail,
and the way to make them pass is to upgrade to a kernel that
implements the device correctly (by implementing the necessary

But we could maybe move to warn_report() here -- I'm not
sure what our rules are for what counts as an error and
what counts as a warning.

-- PMM

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