On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 04:51:03PM +0100, Peter Maydell wrote:
> (2) release timing:
>  * usual schedule would give us a next release mid-to-late August
>  * unless I can persuade Stefan to do the release management this
>    cycle we might need to wind that in by a couple of weeks so
>    it's definitely done by the middle of August, to avoid a clash
>    with a personal commitment

I will be offline mid-August to mid-September, sorry.  Someone else can
volunteer to do the release.

> (3) retrospective, lessons learned &c
>  * please remember that if every single submaintainer submits
>    a pull request on the morning of an RC, it is physically
>    not possible for me to process all those pulls in time to
>    tag the RC that day. We had several RCs which got delayed
>    by a day because of this; please try to submit earlier
>    rather than later...
>  * provide your opinions here ?

Paolo asked sub-maintainers to include changelogs in pull request
messages.  This will make it easy to collate the QEMU 3.0 changelog just
from the merge commits.  I think it's a good idea.


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