On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 09:57:46AM +0530, Nikhil Balachandra wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Thanks for the review. I'll be sending v2 version of this patch in next 3-4
> days with the following changes.
> 1) New scripts/update-xnu-headers.sh script to import if_bridgevar.h[4]
> into include/standard-headers/xnu directory.
>     @qemu-devel - Please let me know if there is a better approach.
> 2) Fix broken vnet hdr in this patch.
> 3) Having minimal code in qemu-bridge-helper.c to open tap device instead
> of using tap_open().
> [4] - macOS if_bridgevar.h header file has APSL and BSD license.

Great, thank you!


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