Am 06.04.2018 um 11:41 schrieb Peter Maydell:
> On 5 April 2018 at 22:23,  <> wrote:
>> Linux "works". I installed ubuntu 17.10 in a VM on my windows box,
>> recompiled QEMU 2.12.0-rc2 (same sources as above), using a configure
>> line the same as above except omitting --cross-prefix and --with-sdlabi.
>> Both with "-icount 2" and without show expected results.
>> I installed a fresh Cygwin with just the packages suggested at
>> (plus
>> some obviously missing ones like python, make, etc.) and the problem
>> persists.  The updated configure line is:
>> ../qemu-2.12.0-rc2/configure \
>>     '--with-pkgversion=DDCI QEMU 2.12.0-rc2' \
>>     --prefix=/usr/local/qemu \
>>     '--target-list=aarch64-softmmu ppc64-softmmu x86_64-softmmu' \
>>     --cross-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32-
> Hmm, if it's Windows-only that's unfortunate, since I'm not really
> in a position to debug things that only happon on Windows hosts.
> Stefan, does this sort of bug sound familiar at all?

No, It's new for me. But the last time when I used "-icount" must be
several years ago, so I have to look.

> Looking at your --cross-prefix you seem to be building 32-bit
> binaries; was your Ubuntu VM 32 bit or 64 bit? I'm wondering
> if this might turn out to be a 32-bit host issue rather than
> necessarily a Windows one.

That might be a possible. I think there are not many QEMU users running
it on 32 bit Linux, especially not to emulate a 64 bit guest. We should
test this first, as testing and debugging QEMU on Linux is much easier
than on Windows.


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