On 3 April 2018 at 03:43, Michael Clark <m...@sifive.com> wrote:
> I submitted the pull request for your's/Stefan's workaround so that QEMU
> 2.12 has working FP context switching under Linux (always returning dirty or
> off is valid implementation choice according to the specification), given
> Richard Henderson had not made a PR for his more comprehensive fix, with the
> rationale that we could implement the comprehensive fix for QEMU 2.13

Given that riscv is your area as submaintainer I (and likely also
RTH) would expect RTH's patch to go in via a pull request from you,
not one directly from him. One of the things the submaintainer does
is evaluate what the right set of patches to go in for the area are,
if there are multiple proposed ways to fix something.

-- PMM

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