On 2018-03-29 14:07, Alberto Garcia wrote:
> L2 entries for compressed clusters have a field that indicates the
> number of sectors used to store the data in the image.
> That's however not the size of the compressed data itself, just the
> number of sectors where that data is located. The actual data size is
> usually not a multiple of the sector size, and therefore cannot be
> represented with this field.
> The way it works is that QEMU reads all the specified sectors and
> starts decompressing the data until there's enough to recover the
> original uncompressed cluster. If there are any bytes left that
> haven't been decompressed they are simply ignored.
> One consequence of this is that even if the size field is larger than
> it needs to be QEMU can handle it just fine: it will read more data
> from disk but it will ignore the extra bytes.
> This test creates an image with two compressed clusters that use 5
> sectors (2.5 KB) each, increases the size field to the maximum (8192
> sectors, or 4 MB) and verifies that the data can be read without
> problems.
> This test is important because while the decompressed data takes
> exactly one cluster, the maximum value allowed in the compressed size
> field is twice the cluster size. So although QEMU won't produce images
> with such large values we need to make sure that it can handle them.
> Another effect of increasing the size field is that it can make
> it include data from the following host cluster(s). In this case
> 'qemu-img check' will detect that the refcounts are not correct, and
> we'll need to rebuild them.
> Additionally, this patch also tests that decreasing the size corrupts
> the image since the original data can no longer be recovered. In this
> case QEMU returns an error when trying to read the compressed data,
> but 'qemu-img check' doesn't see anything wrong if the refcounts are
> consistent.
> One possible task for the future is to make 'qemu-img check' verify
> the sizes of the compressed clusters, by trying to decompress the data
> and checking that the size stored in the L2 entry is correct.
> Signed-off-by: Alberto Garcia <be...@igalia.com>
> ---
> v5: Use 'write -c' instead of 'write' followed by 'convert' [Max]
>     Add TODO comment explaining that the size of compressed clusters
>     should also be corrected when it's too large in order to avoid
>     referencing other unrelated clusters.
> v4: Resend for 2.12
> v3: Add TODO comment, as suggested by Eric.
>     Corrupt the length of the second compressed cluster as well so the
>     uncompressed data would span three host clusters.
> v2: We now have two scenarios where we make QEMU read data from the
>     next host cluster and from beyond the end of the image. This
>     version also runs qemu-img check on the corrupted image.
>     If the size field is too small, reading fails but qemu-img check
>     succeeds.
>     If the size field is too large, reading succeeds but qemu-img
>     check fails (this can be repaired, though).
> ---
>  tests/qemu-iotests/122     | 47 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  tests/qemu-iotests/122.out | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 80 insertions(+)

Now without any convert I have no idea what this test case is doing in
122, but, oh well.  Thanks, applied to my block branch:



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