I am currently trying to use nfs-vsocks on x86 for vitural machine
filesystem by some manuals on
and https://lwn.net/Articles/647516/
It tells the quickstart steps with the following codes but I got some
problems as listed.
* Linux kernel: https://github.com/stefanha/linux.git vsock-nfs
* QEMU virtio-vsock device: https://github.com/stefanha/qemu.git vsock
* nfs-utils vsock: https://github.com/stefanha/nfs-utils.git vsock
1. I would like to ask what is the current status of these codes? If
there're some updates? :)
2. nfs-utils codes could not compile for me... I refered to the README
but failed for both ways. It seems no configure script and
autoheader/automake... So I don't know how to install this.
3. For the 5th step (Start nfsd), I'd like to know the rpc.nfsd --vsock
is enabled by which codes? Is it the CONFIG_VHOST_VSOCK kernel module in
host? Because I installed the kernel with vsock-nfs repo with the
specified config options but failed to do rpc.nfsd --vsock.
Could you give me some help and thanks in advance!
Jing Liu