On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 08:52:45AM +0100, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>   Hi,
> > > [*] Open question: Who, between QEMU and libvirt, should define the said
> > > firmware metadata format and file?
> > 
> > IMHO QEMU should be defining the format, because the file will contain
> > info about certain QEMU features associated with the firmware (eg smm).
> > Also there are potentially other non-libvirt mgmt apps that spawn QEMU
> > which would like this info (eg libguestfs), so having libvirt define the
> > format is inappropriate.
> > 
> > I'd suggest we just need something in docs/specs/firmware-metadata.rst
> > for QEMU source tree.
> > 
> > Potentially QEMU could even use the metadata files itself for finding
> > the default firmeware images, instead of compiling this info into its
> > binaries. I wouldn't suggest we need todo that right away, but bear it
> > in mind as a potential use case.
> With qemu using this itself in mind it probably makes sense to specify
> this as qapi schema.  That'll simplify parsing and using these files in
> qemu, and possibly simplifies things on the libvirt side too.

Yeah, FWIW, I too find using the QAPI schema for the metadata file
format more appealing (rather than a separate file format).  And
libvirt already has infrastructure to handle QAPI.


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