On 20 February 2018 at 08:02, Su Hang <suhan...@mails.ucas.ac.cn> wrote:
>  Formating the code with `clang-format -i util/uri.c`.
>  My .clang-format file content is:
>  '''
>  IndentWidth: 4
>  BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
>  '''
> Then use `perl -pi -e "s/return \((.*?)\);/return \1;/g" util/uri.c`
> to remove pattern like this: "return (1);"
> checkpatch.pl still rise these two kinds of "ERROR", I'm not sure
> whether I should also suppress these, so I left it.
> '''
> ERROR: braces {} are necessary even for single statement blocks
> #1803: FILE: uri.c:1803:
> +            while ((bas->path[cur] != 0) && (bas->path[cur] != '/'))
> +                cur++;
> ERROR: braces {} are necessary for all arms of this statement
> #1805: FILE: uri.c:1805:
> +            if (bas->path[cur] == 0)
> [...]
> '''

In some places you have put in extra braces, like here:

> -    if (str == NULL)
> -        return(-1);
> +    if (str == NULL) {
> +        return -1;
> +    }

I think if we're going to reformat the file we might as well
get it checkpatch-clean. Alternatively if you don't want to
fix up the brace style then we needn't touch them at all.

One useful split for format-cleanup patches that you might
consider is to have a patch which contains only whitespace
cleanups, so that 'git show --ignore-all-space' shows no changes.
That makes that patch easy to review. Then changes that do
make non-whitespace changes can go in their own patch, which
is generally smaller and so easier to review by eye.

-- PMM

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