On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 6:50 AM, Pavel Dovgalyuk <dovga...@ispras.ru> wrote:
> Your command line looks wrong, because you forgot –icount, but specified
> other replay options

Sorry about that, my full command is exactly the previous but with -icount
'shift=7,rr=record,rrfile=replay.bin' added to the end.

> I tried recording and replaying with your command line and the execution
> hangs at some moment of replay.
> The problem may be hidden in –dtb option, because it may add the devices
> without configuring replay for them.
> Can you specify the whole hardware configuration in the command line?

Ah, now that you mentioned this, I had a modification on the DTB which
needed to be reverted. I have re-uploaded it to the same address:
please use the new one instead.

Now it should be just the vanilla Linux kernel versatilepb one.

How to specify the --dtb configuration explicitly on the command line? I
have also included the dts on the zip if that helps.

> Pavel Dovgalyuk
> *From:* Ciro Santilli [mailto:ciro.santi...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 13, 2018 8:58 AM
> *To:* Pavel Dovgalyuk
> *Cc:* Pavel Dovgalyuk; qemu-devel@nongnu.org; kw...@redhat.com; Peter
> Maydell; war2jor...@live.com; Igor R; quint...@redhat.com;
> jasow...@redhat.com; m...@redhat.com; Aleksandr Bezzubikov;
> maria.klimushenk...@ispras.ru; kra...@redhat.com; Thomas Dullien;
> pbonz...@redhat.com; Alex Bennée
> *Subject:* Re: [RFC PATCH v6 00/20] replay additions
> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 5:47 AM, Pavel Dovgalyuk <dovga...@ispras.ru>
> wrote:
> I tested ARM only with –kernel and –initrd.
> Can you provide the full command line and the disk image?
> The command I tried was:
> time ./buildroot/output.arm~/host/usr/bin/qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb
> -append 'root=/dev/sda nokaslr norandmaps printk.devkmsg=on printk.time=y -
> lkmc_eval="/rand_check.out;wget -S google.com;/poweroff.out;"' -kernel
> ./buildroot/output.arm~/images/zImage -dtb 
> ./buildroot/output.arm~/images/versatile-pb.dtb
> -nographic -drive file=./buildroot/output.arm~/
> images/rootfs.ext2,if=scsi,id=img-direct,format=raw -drive
> driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay -device
> scsi-hd,drive=img-blkreplay -netdev user,id=net1 -device
> rtl8139,netdev=net1 -object filter-replay,id=replay,netdev=net1
> and the required files can be downloaded from:
> https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat/releases/
> download/test-replay-arm/images.zip
> They were generated with:
> ./build -a arm
> on that repo.
> Pavel Dovgalyuk
> *From:* Ciro Santilli [mailto:ciro.santi...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 10, 2018 3:09 AM
> *To:* Pavel Dovgalyuk
> *Cc:* Pavel Dovgalyuk; qemu-devel@nongnu.org; kw...@redhat.com; Peter
> Maydell; war2jor...@live.com; Igor R; quint...@redhat.com;
> jasow...@redhat.com; m...@redhat.com; Aleksandr Bezzubikov;
> maria.klimushenk...@ispras.ru; kra...@redhat.com; Thomas Dullien;
> pbonz...@redhat.com; Alex Bennée
> *Subject:* Re: [RFC PATCH v6 00/20] replay additions
> Also, what command do you use to test on ARM? I'm a bit stuck to get the
> drive part right, e.g.:
> -drive 
> file=./buildroot/output.arm~/images/rootfs.ext2,if=scsi,id=img-direct,format=raw
> \
> -drive driver=blkreplay,if=none,image=img-direct,id=img-blkreplay \
> -device scsi-hd,drive=img-blkreplay \
> fails with: qemu-system-arm: -device scsi-hd,drive=img-blkreplay:
> Conflicts with use by img-direct as 'root', which does not allow 'write' on
> #block968

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