On 08/02/18 01:12, Alex Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 15:48:26 +1100
> Alexey Kardashevskiy <a...@ozlabs.ru> wrote:
>> On 07/02/18 15:25, Alex Williamson wrote:
>>> On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 15:09:22 +1100
>>> Alexey Kardashevskiy <a...@ozlabs.ru> wrote:  
>>>> On 07/02/18 11:08, Alex Williamson wrote:  
>>>>> diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h b/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>>> index e3301dbd27d4..07966a5f0832 100644
>>>>> --- a/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>>> +++ b/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>>> @@ -503,6 +503,30 @@ struct vfio_pci_hot_reset {
>>>>>  #define VFIO_DEVICE_PCI_HOT_RESET        _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 13)
>>>>> +/**
>>>>> + *                              struct vfio_device_ioeventfd)
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * Perform a write to the device at the specified device fd offset, with
>>>>> + * the specified data and width when the provided eventfd is triggered.
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure.
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +struct vfio_device_ioeventfd {
>>>>> + __u32   argsz;
>>>>> + __u32   flags;
>>>>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_IOEVENTFD_8          (1 << 0) /* 1-byte write */
>>>>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_IOEVENTFD_16 (1 << 1) /* 2-byte write */
>>>>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_IOEVENTFD_32 (1 << 2) /* 4-byte write */
>>>>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_IOEVENTFD_64 (1 << 3) /* 8-byte write */
>>>>> + __u64   offset;                 /* device fd offset of write */
>>>>> + __u64   data;                   /* data to be written */
>>>>> + __s32   fd;                     /* -1 for de-assignment */
>>>>> +};
>>>>> +
>>>>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_IOEVENTFD            _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 14)  
>>>> Is this a first ioctl with endianness fixed to little-endian? I'd suggest
>>>> to comment on that as things like vfio_info_cap_header do use the host
>>>> endianness.  
>>> Look at our current read and write interface, we call leXX_to_cpu
>>> before calling iowriteXX there and I think a user would logically
>>> expect to use the same data format here as they would there.  
>> If the data is "char data[8]" (i.e. bytestream), then it can be expected to
>> be device/bus endian (i.e. PCI == little endian), but if it is u64 - then I
>> am not so sure really, and this made me look around. It could be "__le64
>> data" too.
>>> Also note
>>> that iowriteXX does a cpu_to_leXX, so are we really defining the
>>> interface as little-endian or are we just trying to make ourselves
>>> endian neutral and counter that implicit conversion?  Thanks,  
>> Defining it LE is fine, I just find it a bit confusing when
>> vfio_info_cap_header is host endian but vfio_device_ioeventfd is not.
> But I don't think we are defining the interface as little-endian.
> iowriteXX does a cpu_to_leXX byteswap.  Therefore in order to maintain
> endian neutrality, if the data does a cpu->le swap on the way out, I
> need to do a le->cpu swap on the way in, right?  Please defend the
> assertion that we're creating a little-endian interface.  Thanks,

vfio_pci_ioctl() passes "endian-neutral" ioeventfd.data to
vfio_pci_ioeventfd() which immediately does the leXX_to_cpu() conversion
(and uses the result later on in iowriteXX(), which is not VFIO API) so I
read it as the ioctl really expects LE.

The QEMU part - vfio_nvidia_mirror_quirk MR - does not swap bytes but the
MR itself it declared DEVICE_LITTLE_ENDIAN which means
vfio_nvidia_quirk_mirror_write() receives byteswapped @data in the host
endian == bigendian on a big endian host. So the ioctl() handler will
receive a BE value, do byteswap #1 in leXX_to_cpu(), and then do byteswap
#2 in iowriteXX() so after all a BE will be written to a device. So I'd say
we rather do not need leXX_to_cpu() in vfio_pci_ioeventfd(). Correct me
where I am wrong. Thanks,


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