On 06/02/2018 21:30, Roman Kagan wrote:
> In order to leverage third-party drivers for VMBus devices in firmware
> (in particular, there's a case with iPXE driver for hv-net in SeaBIOS
> and OVMF), introduce an infrastructure to supply such drivers as option
> ROMs.
> To make it easy for the firmware to locate such ROMs, they are stored in
> fw_cfg with names "vmbus/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.rom" for
> default class ROMs (where xxx... is the class GUID) and
> "vmbus/dev/yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy.rom" for per-device
> (i.e. specified via .romfile property) ROMs (where yyy... is the device
> instance GUID).
> The format and the calling convention for the ROMs is out of scope for
> this patch: QEMU doesn't try to interpret them.

Out of curiosity, do you have a SCSI driver for SeaBIOS and/or OVMF?



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