Peter Maydell <> wrote:
> On 19 January 2018 at 16:43, Alexey Perevalov <> wrote:
>> As I remember, I tested build in QEMU's docker build system,
>> but now I checked it on i386 Ubuntu, and yes linker says about unresolved
>> atomic symbols. Next week, I'll have a time to investigate it deeper.
> This sounds like exactly the problem I pointed out in a previous
> round of this patchset :-(
> Ignoring comments and sending patches anyway makes me grumpy,
> especially when the result is exactly "fails obscurely on
> some architectures only"...

It compiles for me.  F25 i686 gcc.  I did change it to use intptr_t
instead of uint64_t.  So, I don't know what is going on here.

Then, I have a report that clang -m32 didn't work (Mat).  I haven't been
able yet to reproduce.  I don't have 32bits libraries installed on my
x86_64 systems.  clang compiles for me on both 64 bits (f27) and 32bits
native (f25, it is a long history that it is not f27).

So, I can agree that we have to fix anything that don't work, but I
can't agree that I didn't care about comments, at least I tried to fix
the problems you pointed me to.

What I don't have is an easier way of compiling on arm and ppc32, but I
will search a way to do that for my pull requsets.

Sorry about the inconveniences.

Later, Juan.

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