It seems for some reason, some linux kernel with KAISER/KPTI patch can't work with qemu + haxm. The mainline kernel from Linus is fine. But the patch to 4.4/4.10 doesn't work.
I am not familiar with HAXM and KPTI either. so not sure if this is a qemu bug or KPTI bug or haxm bug. The same kernel works fine under qemu + kvm. This is the way to reproduce it: 1. Download qemu for windows, follow instructions here: 2. Build a kernel with KAISER/KPTI, I am using kernel here: Or follow instruction here to build a 4.10 kernel: 3. Build an ext2 image which has a simple init: dd of=img count=8192 bs=4096 if=/dev/zero mke2fs img gcc --static -o init init.c debugfs -R "write init init" -w img cat init.c #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main() { while(1) { printf("This is init %d\n", time(NULL)); sleep(3600); } } 4. copy kernel and disk image generated from 3 to windows and run it: qemu-system-x86_64.exe -kernel bzImage -hda img -append "init=/init root=/dev/sda" -serial stdio -accel hax You will see kernel panic or "vpu shutdown reqeust" to qemu.