On 09/28/17 09:31, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> On 25/09/17 09:11, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
>> * Marcel Apfelbaum (mar...@redhat.com) wrote:
>>> On 23/09/2017 11:23, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>>>> On 22/09/17 23:18, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>>>>> On 09/22/17 14:18, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>>>>>> Whilst the underlying PCI bridge implementation supports 32-bit PCI IO
>>>>>> accesses, unfortunately they are truncated at the legacy 64K limit.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Mark Cave-Ayland <mark.cave-ayl...@ilande.co.uk>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>   hw/pci/pci_bridge.c |    3 ++-
>>>>>>   1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/hw/pci/pci_bridge.c b/hw/pci/pci_bridge.c
>>>>>> index 17feae5..a47d257 100644
>>>>>> --- a/hw/pci/pci_bridge.c
>>>>>> +++ b/hw/pci/pci_bridge.c
>>>>>> @@ -379,7 +379,8 @@ void pci_bridge_initfn(PCIDevice *dev, const char 
>>>>>> *typename)
>>>>>>       sec_bus->address_space_mem = &br->address_space_mem;
>>>>>>       memory_region_init(&br->address_space_mem, OBJECT(br), 
>>>>>> "pci_bridge_pci", UINT64_MAX);
>>>>>>       sec_bus->address_space_io = &br->address_space_io;
>>>>>> -    memory_region_init(&br->address_space_io, OBJECT(br), 
>>>>>> "pci_bridge_io", 65536);
>>>>>> +    memory_region_init(&br->address_space_io, OBJECT(br), 
>>>>>> "pci_bridge_io",
>>>>>> +                       UINT32_MAX);
>>>>>>       br->windows = pci_bridge_region_init(br);
>>>>>>       QLIST_INIT(&sec_bus->child);
>>>>>>       QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&parent->child, sec_bus, sibling);
>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> Based on the commit message, I assume this change is guest-visible. If
>>>>> so, should it be made dependent on a compat property, so that it doesn't
>>>>> cause problems with migration?
>>>> In order to enable 32-bit IO accesses the PCI bridge needs to set bit 0
>>>> in the IO_LIMIT and IO_BASE registers - this bit is read-only to guests,
>>>> so unless a PCI bridge has this bit set then it's impossible for this
>>>> change to be guest visible.
>>>> I did a grep for PCI_IO_RANGE_TYPE_32 and didn't see any existing users
>>>> (other than an upcoming patchset from me!), so this combined with the
>>>> fact that without this patch the feature is broken makes me think that I
>>>> am the first user and so existing guests won't have a problem.
>>> (adding Dave for his expertise)
>>> Do you know how the migration code will behave if it will have
>>> a 65k address space on source and MAX UINT on destination?
>>> (and the other way around for rolling back)
>> Hmm not sure; we don't migrate regions explicitly; just RAMBlocks
>> and devices that back them.  If the change is visible in the IO
>> addresses allocated to the PCI devices or in the config space then
>> it might fail.
> For reference here is the link to the sun4u patch I posted yesterday
> that requires this fix if anyone else would like to test:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2017-09/msg07355.html.
> Other than that are there any further objections to this patch?

None from my side. (I didn't "object" to begin with :) , I was just
curious about any possible migration impact.)


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