On 24/09/2017 23:02, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> 15.09.2017 12:06, Eduardo Otubo wrote:
>> QEMU fails when used with the following command line:
>>   ./ppc64-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc64 -S -machine 40p,accel=tcg -device i82374
>>   qemu-system-ppc64: hw/isa/isa-bus.c:110: isa_bus_dma: Assertion 
>> `!bus->dma[0] && !bus->dma[1]' failed.
>>   Aborted (core dumped)
>> The 40p machine type already creates the device i82374. If specified in the
>> command line, it will try to create it again, hence generating the error. The
>> function isa_bus_dma() isn't supposed to be called twice for the same bus. 
>> One
>> way to avoid this problem is to set user_creatable=false.
> Applied to -trivial, thanks!

Eduardo, weren't you going to send a version that propagates Error*
correctly instead?


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