Dne 22.9.2017 v 11:40 Kevin Wolf napsal(a):
> Am 22.09.2017 um 10:37 hat Lukáš Doktor geschrieben:
>> But we should focus on fixing all the entry points (either initialize
>> from all of them, or force-create the root logger based on the
>> entry-point requirements). Kevin, could you please share the exact
>> reproducer? I used a custom file importing QEMUMachine() with a some
>> added LOG calls.
> I was running qemu-iotests 030 on a development branch that had a bug
> that made qemu segfault. This should result in a logged 'qemu received
> signal 6' message, but only prints the logging error now. The same kind
> of problem affects all Python-based tests in the tree, git grep didn't
> find any that initialise the logger manually.
> In order to reproduce, you can fake such a crash by inserting an HMP
> command like 'qemu-io ide0-hd0 abort' somewhere in a Python-based test.
OK, that's basically what I did. As a proper fix would require all tests to 
initialize logging (even if as an extra call to `iotests.initialize_logging` or 
`qemu.initialize_logging` I think Eduardo's patch actually fits the usage 
within qemu/scripts. Sorry for over-thinking this.


> Kevin

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