On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 2:40 AM, Daniel P. Berrange <berra...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 08, 2017 at 11:33:01AM +0200, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>> "Daniel P. Berrange" <berra...@redhat.com> writes:
>> > Since I claimed that supporting py2 & py3 in parallel would be easy
>> > for QEMU, I figured I ought to actually give it a try to backup that
>> > assertion.
>> >
>> > This small patch series is the result of that effort. I tested this
>> > series on Fedora 26 using 2.7.13 and Python 3.6.2.
>> >
>> > To test with py3, I hacked config-host.mak to change the PYTHON
>> > variable to point to 'python3' binary, then compared the following
>> > generated content for the files:
>> >
>> >    qmp-commands.h qapi-types.h  qapi-visit.h  qapi-event.h
>> >    qmp-marshal.c qapi-types.c qapi-visit.c qapi-event.c
>> >    qmp-introspect.c qmp-introspect.h
>> >
>> > with that generated under py2 to see they are identical.
>> >
>> > It is possible there's still more bugs hiding that could impact
>> > on 2.6 or earlier versions of 3.x or 2.7.x, so this probably
>> > needs a bit wider testing, but I think the series illustrates
>> > the broad scope of the changes we can expect. Only the need
>> > to adapt to different module import locations adds to the
>> > line count, and that's fairly minimal.
>> This hasn't made it to the front of my review queue, but I got a quick
>> question meanwhile.
>> I guess this was triggered by the discussion of David's "[PATCH]
>> scripts: Support building with Python 3".  How does it differ from
>> David's patch?  Is it derived from it?  Or is it an independently
>> developed replacement?
> I didn't notice David's existed. In terms of the qapi file changes,
> his patch appears equivelent to combining my patches 2->5.
> He didn't seem to convert the print statement to a print function
> though (my patch 1), so I'm surprised his changes actually work
> with py3...

It looks like all of those qapi.py print statements are for handling
errors, so my builds must not have hit any of them.  I had skimmed the
output of pylint for errors, and it seems the print statements are
only listed as warnings when printing to stderr, which I had

    W:1945, 8: Expression "((print) >> (sys.stderr), ('%s: %s') %
((sys.argv[0], str(err))))" is assigned to nothing

And instead of importing the print function, I just switched to
sys.stderr.write etc. in qapi2texi.py.



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